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Private iOS API to access raw input from the noise canceling mic(s) on iPhone?

Is there a way to use a private iOS API to access the raw input from the noise canceling mic(s) on the iPhone?

I've tried looking through header dumps I found online but couldn't find anything related to the secondary microphones.

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Matt Avatar asked Nov 13 '22 21:11


1 Answers

1) One interesting thing which I found on this subject is


It has some class called AUMultiMicNoiseSuppressor.

2) Make sure that you have the newest header dumps, because a lot of online dumps are for iOS 3.0 (which is outdate)

3) I would recommend to look through frameworks, choose promising and run them through a disassembler. Header dumps usually are dumped with class-dump-z, which dumps only Objective-C API and doesn't dump and C API. It could be that API which you are looking for is C API.

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Victor Ronin Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11

Victor Ronin