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Printing dynamic table - how to make as good as possible




I'm generating dynamically table N columns x M rows

and I'm trying to make it print with default printing options as good as possible


Whenever we're printing the table on A1/A2/A3/A4 paper, then table should TRY to occup full one piece of paper, its avaliable space with as biggest font as possible (people who will read it may not have perfect eyesight)

But when I go to e.g Microsoft Edge (it has tools to manipulate scaling, margins and stuff, so that's why I used it, which kinda worries me too, that printing results on Chrome/FF/Edge may vary)

and use preview (CTRL+P), then it always either takes more than one page, or uses only e.g 40% of avaliable space

A4 paper, no margins:

fit to the printing area:

enter image description here

real size:

enter image description here

Part of Code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="pl-PL">
<title>Plan zajęć</title>

        white-space: nowrap;

    .printable-tables > table 
        display: inline-table;

        size: landscape;

    .printable-tables > table 
        page-break-before: always;
        page-break-after: always;



        border: 1px solid black;
        padding-left: 5px;
        padding-right: 5px;

    tr td
        border-right-style: solid;
        border-right-width: 1pt;
        border-bottom-style: solid;
        border-bottom-width: 1pt;
        padding-right: 5.4pt;
        padding-left: 5.65pt;
        text-align: center

        writing-mode: vertical-lr;

    th {


        padding: 8px;
        text-align: center;
        font-weight: bold;

        transform: translateX(-30%) rotate(0.5turn);

        border-top: 3px solid black

    <table style="border: 1pt solid #000000; border-collapse:collapse">
        <tr class="header_low_height">
            <th rowspan="2" style=""> 
                <p><span>Kolejność godzin lekcyjnych</span></p>
            <th colspan="31" style=""> 
                <p><span>Nauczyciele <br> (przydział godzin lekcyjnych w klasach)</span></p>
        <tr class="header_low_height">
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>         
            <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>     

            <td>1. 07:55:00 - 08:40:00</td>         
            <td>2. 08:50:00 - 09:35:00</td>         
            <td>3. 09:45:00 - 10:30:00</td>         
            <td>4. 10:40:00 - 11:25:00</td>         

Here's full code (due to characters limit):


How to print huge tables right?! :O

like image 567
Axelly Avatar asked Oct 27 '21 18:10


People also ask

Can we create dynamic table in HTML?

First a dynamic HTML Table is created using JavaScript createElement method. The Header Row will be built using the first element of the Array as it contains the Header column text values.

2 Answers

I added a javascript method FitFontSize to create diffrent layouts for different print sizes. it will try to reduce font size automatically when the table exceeds one page, and keep default font size if the table fit height of print paper.

    let papers = [
       {name:'a1', width:'84cm', height:'58cm', fontSize:20},
       {name:'a2', width:'59cm', height:'41cm', fontSize:18},
       {name:'a3', width:'42cm', height:'28cm', fontSize:16},
       {name:'a4', width:'27cm', height:'16cm', fontSize:14}
    // the fontSize is the default font size for diffrent paper size
    FitFontSize('t', papers);

here is the full code and a live demo

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="pl-PL">
<title>Plan zajęć</title>

    table {

    @media screen {
        .sp-container {

    .sp-container-a4 .dayName {

    @media print {
            size: landscape;
            padding: 0;

        html, body {padding:0; margin:0; height:100vh; overflow:hidden;}
        .sp-container {display:none;}
        .sp-hide-on-print {display:none;}

    @media print and (min-width: 10cm) {
        .sp-container-a1 {display:none;}
        .sp-container-a2 {display:none;}
        .sp-container-a3 {display:none;}
        .sp-container-a4 {display:block;}

    @media print and (min-width: 30cm) {
        .sp-container-a1 {display:none;}
        .sp-container-a2 {display:none;}
        .sp-container-a3 {display:block;}
        .sp-container-a4 {display:none;}

    @media print and (min-width: 50cm) {
        .sp-container-a1 {display:none;}
        .sp-container-a2 {display:block;}
        .sp-container-a3 {display:none;}
        .sp-container-a4 {display:none;}

    @media print and (min-width: 80cm) {
        .sp-container-a1 {display:block;}
        .sp-container-a2 {display:none;}
        .sp-container-a3 {display:none;}
        .sp-container-a4 {display:none;}

        border: 1px solid black;
        /*padding-left: 5px;
        padding-right: 5px;*/

    tr td
        border-right-style: solid;
        border-right-width: 1pt;
        border-bottom-style: solid;
        border-bottom-width: 1pt;
        /*padding-right: 5.4pt;
        padding-left: 5.65pt;*/
        text-align: center

        writing-mode: vertical-lr;

        padding: 8px;
        text-align: center;
        font-weight: bold;

        transform: translateX(-30%) rotate(0.5turn);

        border-top: 3px solid black

    <button class="sp-hide-on-print" onclick="changeRows(20);">20 rows</button>
    <button class="sp-hide-on-print" onclick="changeRows(50);">50 rows</button>

    <table id="t" style="border: 1pt solid #000000; border-collapse:collapse">
            <col style="width:11em;" />
            <tr class="header_low_height">
                <th rowspan="2" style="">
                    <p><span>Kolejność godzin lekcyjnych</span></p>
                <th colspan="31" style="">
                    <p><span>Nauczyciele <br> (przydział godzin lekcyjnych w klasach)</span></p>
            <tr class="header_low_height">
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
                <td class="vert dayName">John Kovalsky</td>
function changeRows(num) {

function addRows(num) {
    var table = document.getElementById('t');
    var tbody = table.querySelector('tbody');
    for (let i=0; i<num; i++) {
        let tr = document.createElement('tr');
        let html = '';
        html += '<td>8. 14:40:00 - 15:25:00</td>';
        html += '<td>row' + (i+1) + '</td>';
        for (let j=0; j < 30; j++) {
            html += '<td>' + Math.random().toString(36).replace(/[^a-z]+/g, '').substr(0, 3) + '</td>';
        tr.innerHTML = html;
// add test data

function FitFontSize(id, papers) {
    function _resizeContent(el, paper) {
        let fontSize = paper.fontSize || 12;
        let container = document.createElement('div');

        let css = 'box-sizing:border-box;';
        css += 'overflow-y:auto;';
        css += 'margin:0;padding:0;';
        css += `font-size:${fontSize}px;`;
        css += `width:${paper.width};height:${paper.height};`;
        container.setAttribute('style', css);
        container.innerHTML = el.outerHTML;

        let tb = container.querySelector('table').classList.remove('sp-hide-on-print');

        // if the table overflowed try to reduce padding of td elements
        if (container.scrollHeight > container.clientHeight) {
            container.querySelectorAll('td').forEach(function(td) {
                td.style.padding = '0';
        // try to reduce the font size
        while (container.scrollHeight > container.clientHeight && fontSize > 5) {
            container.style.fontSize = `${--fontSize}px`;
            container.querySelector('col').style.width = fontSize * 30 / devicePixelRatio + 'px';
            container.querySelectorAll('td:not(.dayName)').forEach(function(td) {
                td.style.lineHeight = `${fontSize}px`;

        container.style.width = '100%';
        container.style.height = '100%';
        container.style.overflow = 'hidden';

    let el = document.getElementById(id);
    for (let paper of papers) {
        _resizeContent(el, paper);

function layoutForPrint() {
    let papers = [
       {name:'a1', width:'84cm', height:'58cm', fontSize:20},
       {name:'a2', width:'59cm', height:'41cm', fontSize:18},
       {name:'a3', width:'42cm', height:'28cm', fontSize:16},
       {name:'a4', width:'27cm', height:'16cm', fontSize:14}
    FitFontSize('t', papers);


enter image description here

like image 169
emptyhua Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 19:10


Here's another possible solution:

<script src="https://gist.github.com/jcollins-bioinfo/ee23a450529342a119ac3e4b12ed3c0a.js"></script>

Source code for HTML table:

Run snippet above, or, get directly from: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/jcollins-bioinfo/ee23a450529342a119ac3e4b12ed3c0a/raw/108fc18b1eb3ae55590dbf69c5741dce5caf0c5f/printing-dynamic-table-how-to-make-as-good-as-possible.html


Table printed neatly (no headers/footers, minimal margin, max spacing, size A4 paper) in Google Chrome using the shown settings (custom size == 34%)

showing chrome print dialogue

And here's how I generated the HTML file (using Python Jupyter Notebook)

Ran this code in a notebook cell, where the input html file to pd.read_html can be just a file containing the <table>...</table> HTML data:

import dash

from dash import html
from dash import dash_table
from jupyter_dash import JupyterDash

import pandas as pd

app = JupyterDash()

df2 = pd.read_html("name-of-html-file.html", header=[0, 2])[0] # just change this line, for input filename path

app.layout = html.Div([
            "name": ["Kolejność godzin lekcyjnych"],
            "id": "main_h1"
        }] + [{
            "name": [x1, x2],
            "id": f"{x1}_{x2}"
        } for x1, x2 in df2.columns],
                    "main_h1": df2.index[n]
                **{f"{x1}_{x2}": y
                   for (x1, x2), y in data},
            } for (n, data) in
            [*enumerate([list(x.items()) for x in df2.T.to_dict().values()])]


Then, I used Chrome DevTools to select the displayed in-notebook Dash app data table, selected only the HTML table tagged element, and copied it to clipboard:

screenshot of chrome devtools

Finally, I simply pasted that html table code into the HTML doc template you provide in your question (thus keeping your specific style code in the <head> tag, etc.). And saved that as an HTML file, opened that file in Chrome, and pressed cmd/ctrl-P to open the print dialogue, as shown above in screenshot. 🙂

like image 2
John Collins Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 19:10

John Collins