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Print label on circle markers in leaflet in Rshiny





Great R Gurus,

Is there any possible way to embed label on top of the circle markers in Rshiny to get something like following:

enter image description here

Here is a quick example for the reference:

# Some fake data
df <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(
    (runif(20) - .5) * 10 - 90.620130,  # lng
    (runif(20) - .5) * 3.8 + 25.638077  # lat
  data.frame(type = factor(
    ifelse(runif(20) > 0.75, "p", "s"),
    c("s", "p")

# leaflet map
leaflet(df) %>% addTiles() %>% addCircleMarkers(label = ~type)

I would like to print labels (i.e. 's' and 'p') on the top of the marker. Your time to answer is highly appreciated...

like image 522
M.Qasim Avatar asked Apr 18 '17 03:04


1 Answers

You need to add a labelOptions argument to your addCircleMarkers function call. By default, the labels appear as popups when you hover.

Using your the rest of your code:

leaflet(df) %>% addTiles() %>% addCircleMarkers(stroke = FALSE, label = ~type,
    labelOptions = labelOptions(noHide = TRUE, offset=c(0,-12), textOnly = TRUE)) 

noHide = TRUE is the key

textOnly = TRUE removes popup bubble

like image 137
Jeremy Voisey Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11

Jeremy Voisey