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Print key of hash of arrays if any element of the array matches with another array



I've an array like this:

my @arr = (5, 76, 1000, 21, 47);

And this hash:

my %hash = (
      Meta => [1000],

If any of the values of the hash matches any of the elements of the array, I want to print the key value of that match. For doing this, I'm using the following function, and it works:

my ($match) = grep { "@{$hash{$_}}" ~~ @arr } keys %hash;

The problem comes when I have more than one element in the hash of arrays, for example:

my %hash = (
      Meta => [1000, 2],

In this case, I also want to return the key ("Meta") since the value 1000 is in the array, but I don't get it.

like image 818
cucurbit Avatar asked Dec 25 '22 10:12


2 Answers

You can use intersect from Array::Utils to do that.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Array::Utils 'intersect';

my @arr = (5, 76, 1000, 21, 47);
my %hash = (
      Meta => [1000, 2],
      Foo  => [1, 2, 3],
      Bar  => [47],

my @match = grep { intersect(@{$hash{$_}}, @arr) } keys %hash;

p @match;

This prints:

    [0] "Bar",
    [1] "Meta"

Note I changed $match to @match to accomodate more than one key, so I can show match and non-match examples.

like image 79
simbabque Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 10:12


The following will be faster than Array::Utils's intersect because it only builds %set1 once (instead of once per element of %groups):

my @set1 = (5, 76, 1000, 21, 47);
my %set1 = map { $_ => 1 } @set1;

my %groups = (
   Meta => [1000, 2],
   Foo  => [1, 2, 3],
   Bar  => [47],

my @matches = grep { 
    my $set2 = $groups{$_};
    grep { $set1{$_} } @$set2
} keys %groups;

For large groups, you might want to use a short-circuiting loop instead of the inner grep, but grep should be faster for small groups.

like image 32
ikegami Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 12:12
