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Print, cat, paste in R separated by newline character

I want to do the print the elements of a vector line by line in R like below




However, when I do paste(c(1,2,3), "\n") or paste(c(1,2,3),sep = "\n"), the new line never gets printed out. The same thing goes for cat as well. I always get the following:

"1" "2" "3"

I would like to know to get around this problem.

like image 310
mynameisJEFF Avatar asked Jun 03 '14 08:06


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cat() function in R Language is used to print out to the screen or to a file.

1 Answers

The followings work in RStudio:




Both outputs are

like image 151
Anastasiya-Romanova 秀 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09

Anastasiya-Romanova 秀