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Principal component analysis (PCA) of time series data: spatial and temporal pattern

Suppose I have yearly precipitation data for 100 stations from 1951 to 1980. In some papers, I find people apply PCA to the time series and then plot the spatial loadings map (with values from -1 to 1), and also plot the time series of the PCs. For example, figure 6 in https://publicaciones.unirioja.es/ojs/index.php/cig/article/view/2931/2696 is the spatial distribution of the PCs.

I am using function prcomp in R and I wonder how I can do the same thing. In other words, how can I extract the "spatial pattern" and "temporal pattern" from the results of prcomp function? Thanks.

rainfall = sample(x=100:1000,size = 100*30,replace = T)
PCA = prcomp(rainfall,retx=T)

Or, there are real data at https://1drv.ms/u/s!AnVl_zW00EHegxAprS4s7PDaYQVr

like image 538
Yang Yang Avatar asked Dec 07 '16 16:12

Yang Yang

People also ask

Can you use PCA on time series data?

PCA can be used to reject cyclic time-series behavior, and this works for anomaly detection.

What is PCA principal component analysis used for?

Principal component analysis (PCA) is a technique for reducing the dimensionality of such datasets, increasing interpretability but at the same time minimizing information loss. It does so by creating new uncorrelated variables that successively maximize variance.

What is PCA principal component analysis with example?

Principal Component Analysis is an unsupervised learning algorithm that is used for the dimensionality reduction in machine learning. It is a statistical process that converts the observations of correlated features into a set of linearly uncorrelated features with the help of orthogonal transformation.

What are the principal components in principal component analysis?

Principal components are new variables that are constructed as linear combinations or mixtures of the initial variables.

1 Answers

"Temporal pattern" explains the dominant temporal variation of time series in all grids, and it is represented by principal components (PCs, a number of time series) of PCA. In R, it is prcomp(data)$x[,'PC1'] for the most important PC, PC1.

"Spatial pattern" explains how strong the PCs depend on some variables (geography in your case), and it is represented by the loadings of each principal components. For example, for PC1, it is prcomp(data)$rotation[,'PC1'].

Here is an example of constructing a PCA for spatiotemporal data in R and showing the temporal variation and spatial heterogeneity, using your data.

First of all, the data has to be transformed into a data.frame with variables (spatial grid) and observations (yyyy-mm).

Loading and transforming the data:

str(spei03_df) # the time dimension is saved as names (in yyyy-mm format) in the list
lat <- spei03_df$lat # latitude of each values of data
lon <- spei03_df$lon # longitude
rainfall <- spei03_df 
rainfall$lat <- NULL
rainfall$lon <- NULL
date <- names(rainfall)
rainfall <- t(as.data.frame(rainfall)) # columns are where the values belong, rows are the times

To understand the data, drawing on map the data for Jan 1950:

library(ggplot2) # for map drawing

drawing <- function(data, map, lonlim = c(-180,180), latlim = c(-90,90)) {
  major.label.x = c("180", "150W", "120W", "90W", "60W", "30W", "0", 
                    "30E", "60E", "90E", "120E", "150E", "180")
  major.breaks.x <- seq(-180,180,by = 30)
  minor.breaks.x <- seq(-180,180,by = 10)

  major.label.y = c("90S","60S","30S","0","30N","60N","90N")
  major.breaks.y <- seq(-90,90,by = 30)
  minor.breaks.y <- seq(-90,90,by = 10)
  panel.expand <- c(0,0)

  drawing <- ggplot() + 
    geom_path(aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group), data = map) + 
    geom_tile(data = data, aes(x = lon, y = lat, fill = val), alpha = 0.3, height = 2) + 
    scale_fill_gradient(low = 'white', high = 'red') + 
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = major.breaks.x, minor_breaks = minor.breaks.x, labels = major.label.x, 
                       expand = panel.expand,limits = lonlim) +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = major.breaks.y, minor_breaks = minor.breaks.y, labels = major.label.y,
                       expand = panel.expand, limits = latlim) +
    theme(panel.grid = element_blank(), panel.background = element_blank(),
          panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA, color = 'black'),
          axis.ticks.length = unit(3,"mm"),
          axis.title = element_text(size = 0),
          legend.key.height = unit(1.5,"cm"))


map.global <- fortify(map(fill=TRUE, plot=FALSE))
dat <- data.frame(lon = lon, lat = lat, val = rainfall["1950-01",])
sample_plot <- drawing(dat, map.global, lonlim = c(-180,180), c(-90,90))
ggsave("sample_plot.png", sample_plot,width = 6,height=4,units = "in",dpi = 600)

the spatial distribution of Jan-1950 data

As shown above, the gridded data given by the link provided includes values that represent rainfall (some kinds of indexes?) in Canada.

Principal Component Analysis:

PCArainfall <- prcomp(rainfall, scale = TRUE)
summaryPCArainfall <- summary(PCArainfall)

It shows that the first two PCs explain 10.5% and 9.2% of variance in the rainfall data.

I extract the loadings of the first two PCs and the PC time series themselves: The "spatial pattern" (loadings), showing the spatial heterogeneity of the strengths of the trends (PC1 and PC2).

loading.PC1 <- data.frame(lon=lon,lat=lat,val=PCArainfall$rotation[,'PC1'])
loading.PC2 <- data.frame(lon=lon,lat=lat,val=PCArainfall$rotation[,'PC2'])

drawing.loadingPC1 <- drawing(loading.PC1,map.global, lonlim = c(-180,-30), latlim = c(40,90)) + ggtitle("PC1")
drawing.loadingPC2 <- drawing(loading.PC2,map.global, lonlim = c(-180,-30), latlim = c(40,90)) + ggtitle("PC2")

ggsave("loading_PC1.png",drawing.loadingPC1,width = 6,height=4,units = "in",dpi = 600)
ggsave("loading_PC2.png",drawing.loadingPC2,width = 6,height=4,units = "in",dpi = 600)

PC1 loadings PC2 loadings

The "temporal pattern", the first two PC time series, showing the dominant temporal trends of the data

PC1 <- ts(PCArainfall$x[,'PC1'],start=c(1950,1),end=c(2014,12),frequency = 12)
PC2 <- ts(PCArainfall$x[,'PC2'],start=c(1950,1),end=c(2014,12),frequency = 12)
png("PC-ts.png",width = 6,height = 4,res = 600,units = "in")
plot(as.xts(PC1),major.format = "%Y-%b", type = 'l', ylim = c(-100, 100), main = "PC") # the black one is PC1
lines(as.xts(PC2),col='blue',type="l") # the blue one is PC2

PC1 and PC2

This example is, however, by no means the best PCA for your data because there are serious seasonality and annual variations in the PC1 and PC2 (Of course, it rains more in summer, and look at the weak tails of the PCs).

You can improve the PCA probably by deseasonalizing the data or removing the annual trend by regression, as in the literature suggested. But this is already beyond our topic.

like image 96
raymkchow Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09
