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PrimeFaces icons


I cannot find a way to pick the arrow icons like the ones present in the PickList component, in order to use them in other CommandButtons.

Well, I know that in order to use an icon in CommandButton, one has to follow these instructions:

<p:commandButton outcome="target" icon="star" title="With Icon"/> 

having defined the star icon in a css file:

.star {     background-image: url("images/star.png"); } 

but I would prefer to use exactly the same arrows as for the PickList component.

like image 695
perissf Avatar asked Apr 14 '12 07:04


People also ask

How do I use prime icons?

prime icons can be used in HTML content using the i or span` tag. pi pi-{iconname} class attributes are added to tag i or span tag to display in the browser. `pi-thumbs-up ' displays thumbs up icon.

What is PrimeIcons?

PrimeIcons is a font icon library for PrimeTek UI libraries such as PrimeFaces.

How do I install Primeng icons?

Step 1: npm install primeicons --save. Step 2: Import the prime icons in style. css or angular. json.

1 Answers

Here a list of all available jQuery UI icons

jQueryUI Icons Cheatsheet N#1 (click on Toggle text to get all the names of the icons)

jQueryUI Icons Cheatsheet N#2

at least in <p:commandLink you can apply the icons using styleClass for example styleClass="ui-icon ui-icon-trash" (don't remember trying the same on p:commandButton - always preferred <p:commandLink)

B.T.W , <p:commandButton has no outcome attribute , <p:button has it...

In addition since PF v5.1.1 you can also use the icons of Font Awesome out of the box, by setting to true the primefaces.FONT_AWESOME context param , like this

<context-param>    <param-name>primefaces.FONT_AWESOME</param-name>    <param-value>true</param-value> </context-param> 

and using it like this:

<p:commandButton value="Download" icon="fa fa-download" type="button"/> 


<p:menuitem value="Refresh" url="#" icon="fa fa-refresh"/> 

See showcase: PrimeFaces - FontAwesome - Since v5.1.1

like image 189
Daniel Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09
