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Primefaces call ConfirmDialog from Backing

I would like to call confirmDialog via backing. This code works perfectly, but how can I set the message and set the actionlistener of the confirmDialog via backing? There is two condition, while:

  • The user check the option A on the checkbox (I omitted the code), then it should be directly print a text to console. --> This one is done by the code below
  • The user check the option B on the checkbox, then it should be show the confirmDialog and while the user press YES button, it should be call another function on the backing.

How to do that? Thanks.

<p:commandButton value="Execute" icon="ui-icon-circle-check"  update="frmContent" actionListener="#{backing.validate}" />

<p:confirmDialog id="cfmDlg" widgetVar="wvCfmDlg" global="true" >
    <p:commandButton value="Yes" type="button" styleClass="ui-confirmdialog-yes" icon="ui-icon-check" />
    <p:commandButton value="No" type="button" styleClass="ui-confirmdialog-no" icon="ui-icon-close" />

In Backing:

public void validate() {
    if(mode.equals("1")) {
    } else {
        //call confirmDialog and set message + action listener
        RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
like image 598
mrjimoy_05 Avatar asked Dec 15 '22 01:12


1 Answers

If I understood your question correctly.. I would do it in this way.


<p:commandButton style="display: none" 
                 actionListener="#{backing.yesFunction}" >
   <p:confirm header="Confirmation" message="Are you sure?" /> 

<p:commandButton value="Execute"
                 actionListener="#{backing.validate}" /> 

<p:confirmDialog id="cfmDlg" global="true" >
      <p:commandButton value="Yes" />
      <p:commandButton value="No" />


public void validate() {
   if(mode.equals("1")) {
   } else {
    RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();

Basically you add a hidden button (with p:confirm) in the usual way and you click it through jQuery.

like image 177
Hatem Alimam Avatar answered Dec 31 '22 14:12

Hatem Alimam