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preventing gmail from stripping href, target, and id attributes

I'm sending an email from my NodeJS server using Mailgun to a Gmail account, but Gmail strips all the attributes in the email. What is the reason for this and how do I prevent this from happening? I tried encoding the href value using encodeURIComponent but that did nothing for the href tag. I'm also not using any CSS or anything so I'm confused why this is happening.


<a href="/resetpw" id="reset-link" id="reset" target="_blank">Reset Password</a>

after (when I checked the HTML of the email):

like image 837
user3226932 Avatar asked Jul 16 '16 23:07


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1 Answers

Gmail is likely stripping your link from the email because of the href value of /resetpw, which, seeing as it's missing a domain name, will refer to https://mail.google.com/resetpw and a) not work and b) potentially be a security hole (I can't think of a way off-hand, but it makes sense to be overly cautious here on Google's part).

Use a valid URL with a scheme and domain/IP (i.e. http://localhost:3000/resetpw), fix the invalid HTML like duplicate id parameters, and it should work just fine.

like image 93
ceejayoz Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 12:10
