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Prevent theoretical loss of the first received message in WebSocket

Code on server-side sends a message immediately after connection is opened (it sends initial configuration/greetings to a client).

And the following code is on client-side:

var sock = new WebSocket(url);
sock.addEventListener('error', processError);
sock.addEventListener('close', finish);
sock.addEventListener('message', processMessage);

I worry about losing this first configuration/greetings-related message from server. Theoretically nothing prevents it from being received before message event handler is set.

On the other hand, practically it never occurred to me. And AFAIK JavaScript WebSocket API doesn't have countermeasures against this theoretical issue: the WebSocket constructor neither allows message event handler to be set, nor allows WebSocket to be created in suspended state.


  1. Either I am missing something, and loss of message with the above code is impossible even theoretically.
  2. Or it is bug in JavaScript WebSocket API design.
  3. Or everyone is just happy because message loss is practically impossible.
  4. Or such behavior (sending message from server on connection) is somewhy considered bad practice, so no one bothers about possibility to implement it theoretically correct.


P.S.: Do such simple-but-theoretical questions better fit Stack Overflow or Programmers@Stack Exchange?

like image 438
Sasha Avatar asked Jan 20 '16 12:01


People also ask

How do I keep my WebSocket connection alive forever?

Set the non-zero number of milliseconds before this session will be closed by the container if it is inactive, ie no messages are either sent or received. A value that is 0 or negative indicates the session will never timeout due to inactivity.

Does WebSocket guarantee message delivery?

There is no guarantee of the successful delivery of a web socket message to the peer, but if the action of sending a message causes an error known to the container, the API throws it.

Can WebSocket messages get lost?

Websocket client connections may drop due to intermittent network issue and when connections drop, messages will also be lost. In a pubsub system, publishers are decoupled from subscribers, so publishers hard to detect subscribers' drop or message loss.

What is are the types of control messages used in WebSocket protocol?

WebSocket Opcode Registry. There are two types of opcode: message for exchanging data and controlling WebSocket connection. The messages for exchanging data distinguishes between text and binary data messages. And, the WebSocket protocol defines four types of control messages: close, ping, pong, and continuation.

2 Answers

Don't worry.

Your code is running within a single threaded event loop.

This line: var sock = new WebSocket(url); doesn't initiate a websocket connection at all. The spec says that it must perform the actual connection only after returning the web socket, in parallel with the thread handling the event loop your code is running on:

  1. Return a new WebSocket object, but continue these steps [in parallel][2].

That alone wouldn't be sufficient, but all subsequent WebSocket events for that socket are scheduled inside the same single-threaded event loop that is running your code. Here's what the spec says about receiving a message:

When a WebSocket message has been received with type type and data data, the user agent must queue a task to follow these steps

That task is queued on the same event loop. That means that the task to process the message cannot be run until the task where you created your WebSocket has run to completion. So your code will finish running before the event loop will process any connection related messages.

Even if you're running your code in a browser that uses many threads, the specific code will run on a single threaded event loop and each event loop will be independent.

Different event loops can and do communicate by pushing tasks into each other's task-queues. But these tasks will be executed within the single-threaded event-loop that received the task, keeping your code thread-safe.

The task "handle this event" will be handled by the single threaded event loop finding the appropriate event handler and calling its callback... but this will only happen once the task is already being handled.

To be clearer:

I'm not claiming that each event-loop actually handles the IO - but the IO scheduler will send your code events and these events will run sequentially within a single thread (sort of, they do have priority management that uses different "task queues").

EDIT: client code concerns

It should be noted that the Websocket API wasn't designed for the DOM's function addEventListener.

Instead, the Websocket API follows the HTML4 paradigm, where event callbacks are object properties (rather than the EventListener collection). i.e.:

// altered DOM API:
sock.addEventListener('message', processMessage);
// original WebSocket API:
sock.onmessage = processMessage;

Both APIs work correctly on all the browsers I tested (including safe delivery of first message). The difference in approaches is probably handled by the HTML4 compatibility layer.

However the specification regarding event scheduling is different, so the use of addEventListener should probably be avoided.

EDIT 2 : Testing the Theory

Regarding Bronze Man's answer concerning failed message responses...

I couldn't reproduce the claimed issue, even though I wrote a test using a small Ruby application and a small Javascript Client.

The Ruby application starts up a Websocket echo server with a welcome message (I'm using plezi.io).

The Javascript client contains a busy-wait loop that causes the Javascript thread to hang (block) for the specified amount of time (2 seconds in my tests).

The onmessage callback is set only after the block is released (after 2 seconds) - so the welcome message from the server will arrive at the browser before the callback is defined.

This allows us to test if the welcome message is lost on any specific browser (which would be a bug in the browser).

The test is reliable since the server is a known quantity and will send the message to the socket as soon as the upgrade is complete (I wrote the Iodine server backend in C as well as the plezi.io framework and I chose them because of my deep knowledge of their internal behavior).

The Ruby application:

# run from terminal using `irb`, after `gem install plezi`
require 'plezi'
class WebsocketEcho
    def index
       "Use Websockets"
    def on_message data
       # simple echo
       write data
    def on_open
       # write a welcome message
       # will ths message be lost?
       write "Welcome to the WebSocket echo server."
       puts "New Websocket connection opened, welcome message was sent."
# adds mixins to the class and creates route
Plezi.route("/", WebsocketEcho)

# running the server from the terminal
Iodine.threads = 1
Iodine::Rack.app = Plezi.app

The Javascript Client:

function Client(milli) {
    this.ws = new WebSocket("ws" + window.document.location.href.slice(4, -1));
    this.ws.client = this;
    this.onopen = function (e) { console.log("Websocket opened", e); }
    this.ws.onopen = function (e) { e.target.client.onopen(e); }
    this.onclose = function (e) { console.log("Websocket closed", e); /* reconnect? */ }
    this.ws.onclose = function (e) { e.target.client.onclose(e); }
    if(milli) { // busy wait, blocking the thread.
        var start = new Date();
        var now = null;
        do {
            now = new Date();
        } while(now - start < milli);
    this.onmessage = function (e) { console.log(e.data); }
    // // DOM API alternative for testing:
    // this.ws.addEventListener('message', function (e) { e.target.client.onmessage(e); });
    // // WebSocket API for testing:
    this.ws.onmessage = function (e) { e.target.client.onmessage(e); }    
// a 2 second window
cl = new Client(2000);

Results on my machine (MacOS):

  • Safari 11.01 initiates the Websocket connection only after the new client was creation is complete (after the thread is done processing the code, as indicated by the Ruby application's delayed output). The message obviously arrived once the connection was made.

  • Chrome 62.0 initiates the Websocket connection immediately. The message arrives once the 2 second window ends. Message wasn't lost even though it arrived before the onmessage handler was set.

  • FireFox 56.0 behaves the same as Chrome, initiating the Websocket connection immediately. The message arrives once the 2 second window ends. Message wasn't lost.

If someone could test on Windows and Linux, that would be great... but I don't think the browsers will have implementation issues with the event scheduling. I believe the specifications can be trusted.

like image 56
Myst Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11


Your theory is true and real.

I ACTUALLY got into this situation on chrome 62 on ubuntu 1404 when my chrome extension background page open a websocket connection to server. My server send serval messages first to the app. And the first serval messages may lost and may not lost. But this bug do not happen on my mac chrome 62. I think this is what data race looks like.It may never happen, but it may happen in theory. So we need to prevent it happen.

Here is my client code looks like:

var ws = new WebSocket(url);
var lastConnectTime = new Date();
ws.onerror = processError;
ws.onclose = finish;
ws.onmessage = processMessage;


The solution should be the server must wait client first message(even if it do not have any information) then send message to client.

Here is my solution in client js in code:

var ws = new WebSocket(url);
var lastConnectTime = new Date();
ws.onerror = processError;
ws.onclose = finish;
ws.onmessage = processMessage;
ws.onopen = function(){

Here is my solution in golang server:

func (s *GoServer)ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
    fmt.Println("WebsocketServeHttp recv connect",r.RemoteAddr)
    if err!=nil{
    if err!=nil{
    //... (you can send message to the client now)
like image 34
bronze man Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11

bronze man