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Prevent select2 from flipping the dropdown upward

As per title, is there a way to force select2 to always create a dropdown instead of a drop-up?

There also appears to be some javascript that is either causing the flip when you scroll above the dropdown, adding a new CSS class "select2-drop-above", or both.

EDIT: I should've specified that I'm pulling the library in via select2-rails. I'm hoping there is a way around this that doesn't involve pulling the whole select2 lib in myself and editing the select2.js file directly.

like image 809
kjb Avatar asked Nov 14 '13 16:11


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1 Answers

Since modifying the source code is not an option and adding a hook to the select2:open event is not very elegant, especially when you have multiple select2 instances in the same page, I have written a small extension for the Select2 plugin.

My implementation is inspired by a PR from the plugin's repository (https://github.com/select2/select2/pull/4618) that is not yet merged.

Basically, the following code overrides the original plugin function that handles the dropdown positioning and adds a new option (dropdownPosition) to force the dropdown positioning above/below.

The new dropdownPosition option can take the following values: - below - the dropdown is always displayed at the bottom of the input; - above - the dropdown is always displayed at the top of the input; - auto (default) - it uses the old behavior.

Just insert the following code after select2.js file:

(function($) {    var Defaults = $.fn.select2.amd.require('select2/defaults');    $.extend(Defaults.defaults, {     dropdownPosition: 'auto'   });    var AttachBody = $.fn.select2.amd.require('select2/dropdown/attachBody');    var _positionDropdown = AttachBody.prototype._positionDropdown;    AttachBody.prototype._positionDropdown = function() {      var $window = $(window);      var isCurrentlyAbove = this.$dropdown.hasClass('select2-dropdown--above');     var isCurrentlyBelow = this.$dropdown.hasClass('select2-dropdown--below');      var newDirection = null;      var offset = this.$container.offset();      offset.bottom = offset.top + this.$container.outerHeight(false);      var container = {         height: this.$container.outerHeight(false)     };      container.top = offset.top;     container.bottom = offset.top + container.height;      var dropdown = {       height: this.$dropdown.outerHeight(false)     };      var viewport = {       top: $window.scrollTop(),       bottom: $window.scrollTop() + $window.height()     };      var enoughRoomAbove = viewport.top < (offset.top - dropdown.height);     var enoughRoomBelow = viewport.bottom > (offset.bottom + dropdown.height);      var css = {       left: offset.left,       top: container.bottom     };      // Determine what the parent element is to use for calciulating the offset     var $offsetParent = this.$dropdownParent;      // For statically positoned elements, we need to get the element     // that is determining the offset     if ($offsetParent.css('position') === 'static') {       $offsetParent = $offsetParent.offsetParent();     }      var parentOffset = $offsetParent.offset();      css.top -= parentOffset.top     css.left -= parentOffset.left;      var dropdownPositionOption = this.options.get('dropdownPosition');      if (dropdownPositionOption === 'above' || dropdownPositionOption === 'below') {       newDirection = dropdownPositionOption;     } else {        if (!isCurrentlyAbove && !isCurrentlyBelow) {         newDirection = 'below';       }        if (!enoughRoomBelow && enoughRoomAbove && !isCurrentlyAbove) {         newDirection = 'above';       } else if (!enoughRoomAbove && enoughRoomBelow && isCurrentlyAbove) {         newDirection = 'below';       }      }      if (newDirection == 'above' ||     (isCurrentlyAbove && newDirection !== 'below')) {         css.top = container.top - parentOffset.top - dropdown.height;     }      if (newDirection != null) {       this.$dropdown         .removeClass('select2-dropdown--below select2-dropdown--above')         .addClass('select2-dropdown--' + newDirection);       this.$container         .removeClass('select2-container--below select2-container--above')         .addClass('select2-container--' + newDirection);     }      this.$dropdownContainer.css(css);    };  })(window.jQuery); 

The initialize the plugin with as follows:

$(document).ready(function() {   $(".select-el").select2({     dropdownPosition: 'below'   }); }); 

Fiddle here: https://jsfiddle.net/byxj73ov/

Github repository: https://github.com/andreivictor/select2-dropdownPosition

UPDATE December 30, 2019

Fiddle with the latest Select2 Version (v4.0.12): https://jsfiddle.net/g4maj9ox/

like image 171
andreivictor Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09
