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Prevent mutually recursive execution of triggers?

Suppose you have the tables Presentations and Events. When a presentation is saved and contains basic event information, such as location and date, an event will be created automatically using a trigger. (I'm afraid it's impossible for technical reasons to simply keep the data at one place and use a view.) In addition, when changing this information later on in the presentation, the trigger will copy the updates over to the event as well, like so:

CREATE TRIGGER update_presentations
ON Presentations
    UPDATE Events
    SET Events.Date = Presentations.Date,
        Events.Location = Presentations.Location
    FROM Presentations INNER JOIN Events ON Presentations.EventID = Events.ID
    WHERE Presentations.ID IN (SELECT ID FROM inserted)

Now, the customer wants it so that, if a user ever changes the information in the event, it should go back to the presentation as well. For obvious reasons, I can't do the reverse:

CREATE TRIGGER update_events
ON Events
    UPDATE Presentations
    SET Presentations.Date = Events.Date,
        Presentations.Location = Events.Location
    FROM Events INNER JOIN Presentations ON Events.PresentationID = Presentations.ID
    WHERE Events.ID IN (SELECT ID FROM inserted)

After all, this would cause each trigger to fire after each other. What I could do is add a column last_edit_by to both tables, containing a user ID. If filled by the trigger with a special invalid ID (say, by making all user IDs of actual persons positive, but user IDs of scripts negative), I could use that as an exit condition:

    AND last_edit_by >= 0

This might work, but what I'd like to do is indicate to the SQL server that, within a transaction, a trigger should only fire once. Is there a way to check this? Or perhaps to check that a table has already been affected by a trigger?

Answer thanks to Steve Robbins:

Just wrap the potentially nested UPDATE statements in an IF condition checking for trigger_nestlevel(). For example:

CREATE TRIGGER update_presentations
ON Presentations
    IF trigger_nestlevel() < 2
        UPDATE Events
        SET Events.Date = Presentations.Date,
            Events.Location = Presentations.Location
        FROM Presentations INNER JOIN Events ON Presentations.EventID = Events.ID
        WHERE Presentations.ID IN (SELECT ID FROM inserted)

Note that trigger_nestlevel() appears to be 1-based, not 0-based. If you want each of the two triggers to execute once, but not more often, just check for trigger_nestlevel() < 3 in both triggers.

like image 689
Sören Kuklau Avatar asked Jan 10 '09 10:01

Sören Kuklau

People also ask

How do you prevent recursion in triggers?

Handle recursion - To avoid the recursion on a trigger, make sure your trigger is getting executed only one time. You may encounter the error : 'Maximum trigger depth exceeded', if recursion is not handled well.

Are SQL Server triggers recursive?

Triggers are said to be recursive/nested when a trigger on a table calls another trigger on same or different table and so on. The total numbers of recursive calls that can be made are limited to 32.

What are recursive triggers in Salesforce?

A recursive trigger is one that performs an action, such as an update or insert, which invokes itself owing to, say something like an update it performs. eg in a before trigger, if you select some records and update them, the trigger will invoke itself. To avoid, static variable 'locks' are used.

1 Answers

I'm not sure about doing it per transaction, but do you need nested triggers switched on for other parts? If you switch them off on the server then a trigger won't fire from another trigger updating a table.

EDIT (answer from the comments): You will need to alter trigger A to use TRIGGER_NESTLEVEL

like image 102
Steven Robbins Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 09:10

Steven Robbins