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prevent kendo ui grid popup editor from closing on insert (asp.net mvc)

Im using kendo ui asp.net mvc Grid in my project.

is there a way to keep popup editor open when inserting new data?

like image 767
Ashkan Nourzadeh Avatar asked Oct 31 '22 16:10

Ashkan Nourzadeh

1 Answers

Interesting question, made me want to try and implement this.

Attach an event handler to the Save event. This should be called when the 'update' button is clicked.

 .Events(x => x.Save("SaveChanges"))

The event that closes the window is the dataBinding event of the grid so we are going to prevent that from happening.

function SaveChanges() {


var grid = $("#GridName").data("kendoGrid");

like image 106
CSharper Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 13:01
