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Pretty-printing physical quantities with automatic scaling of SI prefixes

I am looking for an elegant way to pretty-print physical quantities with the most appropriate prefix (as in 12300 grams are 12.3 kilograms). A simple approach looks like this:

def pprint_units(v, unit_str, num_fmt="{:.3f}"):
    """ Pretty printer for physical quantities """
    # prefixes and power:
    u_pres = [(-9, u'n'), (-6, u'µ'), (-3, u'm'), (0, ''),
              (+3, u'k'), (+6, u'M'), (+9, u'G')]

    if v == 0:
        return num_fmt.format(v) + " " + unit_str
    p = np.log10(1.0*abs(v))
    p_diffs = np.array([(p - u_p[0]) for u_p in u_pres])
    idx = np.argmin(p_diffs * (1+np.sign(p_diffs))) - 1
    u_p = u_pres[idx if idx >= 0 else 0]

    return num_fmt.format(v / 10.**u_p[0]) + " " + u_p[1]  + unit_str

for v in [12e-6, 3.4, .123, 3452]:
    print(pprint_units(v, 'g', "{: 7.2f}"))
# Prints:
#  12.00 µg
#   3.40 g
# 123.00 mg
#   3.45 kg

Looking over units and Pint, I could not find that functionality. Are there any other libraries which typeset SI units more comprehensively (to handle special cases like angles, temperatures, etc)?

like image 627
Dietrich Avatar asked Apr 14 '15 12:04


1 Answers

I have solved the same problem once. And IMHO with more elegance. No degrees or temperatures though.

def sign(x, value=1):
    """Mathematical signum function.

    :param x: Object of investigation
    :param value: The size of the signum (defaults to 1)
    :returns: Plus or minus value
    return -value if x < 0 else value

def prefix(x, dimension=1):
    """Give the number an appropriate SI prefix.

    :param x: Too big or too small number.
    :returns: String containing a number between 1 and 1000 and SI prefix.
    if x == 0:
        return "0  "

    l = math.floor(math.log10(abs(x)))
    if abs(l) > 24:
        l = sign(l, value=24)

    div, mod = divmod(l, 3*dimension)
    return "%.3g %s" % (x * 10**(-l + mod), " kMGTPEZYyzafpnµm"[div])


Degrees like that:

def intfloatsplit(x):
    i = int(x)
    f = x - i
    return i, f

def prettydegrees(d):
    degrees, rest = intfloatsplit(d)
    minutes, rest = intfloatsplit(60*rest)
    seconds = round(60*rest)
    return "{degrees}° {minutes}' {seconds}''".format(**locals())


Added dimension of the unit

>>> print(prefix(0.000009, 2))
9 m
>>> print(prefix(0.9, 2))
9e+05 m

The second output is not very pretty, I know. You may want to edit the formating string.


Parse inputs like 0.000009 m². Works on dimensions less than 10.

import unicodedata

def unitprefix(val):
    """Give the unit an appropriate SI prefix.

    :param val: Number and a unit, e.g. "0.000009 m²"
    xstr, unit = val.split(None, 2)
    x = float(xstr)

        dimension = unicodedata.digit(unit[-1])
    except ValueError:
        dimension = 1

    return prefix(x, dimension) + unit
like image 145
pacholik Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09
