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Prepending to a multi-gigabyte file

What would be the most performant way to prepend a single character to a multi-gigabyte file (in my practical case, a 40GB file).

There is no limitation on the implementation to do this. Meaning it can be through a tool, a shell script, a program in any programming language, ...

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dafmetal Avatar asked Apr 22 '10 12:04


4 Answers

You might be able to invert your implementation depending on your problem: append single characters to the end of your file. When it comes time to read the file, read it in reverse.

Hide this behind enough of an abstraction layer and it may not make a difference to your code how the bytes are physically stored.

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Craig Walker Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 02:11

Craig Walker

There is no really simple solution. There are no system calls to prepend data, only append or rewrite.

But depending on what you're doing with the file, you may get away with tricks. If the file is used sequentially, you could make a named pipe and put cat onecharfile.txt bigfile > namedpipe and then use "namedpipe" as file. The same can be achieved by cat onecharfile.txt bigfile | program if your program takes stdin as input.

For random access a FUSE filesystem could be done, but probably waay too complicated for this.

If you want to get your hands really dirty, figure out howto

  • allocate a datablock (about inode and datablock structure)
  • insert it into a file's chain as second block (or first and then you're practically done)
  • write the beginning of file into that block
  • write the single character as first in file
  • mark first block as if it uses only one byte of available payload (this is possible for last block, I don't know if it's possible for blocks in middle of file chain).

This has possibilities to majorly wreck your filesystem though, so not recommended; good fun.

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Pasi Savolainen Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 02:11

Pasi Savolainen

Let the file have an initial block of null characters. When you prepend a character, read the block, insert the character right-to-left, and write back the block. When the block is full, then do the more expensive full rewrite in order to prepend another null block. That way, you can reduce the number of times by a large factor that you have to do a full rewrite.

Added: Keep the file in two subfiles: A (a short one) and B (a long one). Prepend to A any way you like. When A gets "big enough", prepend A to B (by re-writing), and clear A.

Another way: Keep the file as a directory of small files ..., A000003, A000002, A000001.
Just prepend to the largest-numbered file. When it's big enough, make the next file in sequence.
When you need to read the file, just read them all in descending order.

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Mike Dunlavey Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 02:11

Mike Dunlavey

If you use linux you could try to use a custom version of READ(2) loaded with LD_PRELOAD and have it prepend your data at the first read.

See https://zlibc.linux.lu/zlibc.html for implementation inspiration.

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Darwin Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 01:11
