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Prepend a single line to file with Ruby

I'd like to add a single line to the top a of file with Ruby like this:

# initial file contents

# file contents after prepending "hello" on its own line

The following code just replaces the contents of the entire file:

f = File.new('myfile', 'w')
f.write "test string"
like image 354
MrDatabase Avatar asked Dec 24 '11 07:12


People also ask

How to append data to file in Ruby?

Solution: Appending text to a file with Ruby is similar to other languages: you open the file in "append" mode, write your data, and then close the file. Here's a quick example that demonstrates how to append "Hello, world" to a file named myfile. out in the current directory: open('myfile.

How do you make a new line in Ruby?

"\n" is newline, '\n\ is literally backslash and n.

How do I read a text file in Ruby?

Here is the another example of opening a file in Ruby. fileObject = File. open("tutorials. txt","r"); print(fileObject.

2 Answers

This is a pretty common task:

original_file = './original_file'
new_file = original_file + '.new'

Set up the test:

File.open(original_file, 'w') do |fo|
  %w[something else].each { |w| fo.puts w }

This is the actual code:

File.open(new_file, 'w') do |fo|
  fo.puts 'hello'
  File.foreach(original_file) do |li|
    fo.puts li

Rename the old file to something safe:

File.rename(original_file, original_file + '.old')
File.rename(new_file, original_file)

Show that it works:

puts `cat #{original_file}`
puts '---'
puts `cat #{original_file}.old`

Which outputs:


You don't want to try to load the file completely into memory. That'll work until you get a file that is bigger than your RAM allocation, and the machine goes to a crawl, or worse, crashes.

Instead, read it line by line. Reading individual lines is still extremely fast, and is scalable. You'll have to have enough room on your drive to store the original and the temporary file.

like image 51
the Tin Man Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 01:09

the Tin Man

fwiw this seems to work:


f = File.open("myfile", "r+")
lines = f.readlines

lines = ["something\n"] + lines

output = File.new("myfile", "w")
lines.each { |line| output.write line }
like image 27
MrDatabase Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 23:09
