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PreferenceActivity and theme not applying


Hi all I have set the theme in the manifest file like this:


But I have a problem in the Preferences Activity, in the main preferences the theme shows ok, but if I get to a sub preference, the theme gets messy, it is not white as it should, it is all dark, and the font is black so you can't see much, and when I start clicking on any items they will get sometimes white as they should but revert to black soon after. This is only happens on 2.1, in both the real device and emulator. Tested on the emulator running 1.6 and it was working correctly. Here is part of the code of the preferences xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <PreferenceScreen     xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">     <PreferenceScreen         android:title="@string/account">         <CheckBoxPreference             android:key="enable_account"             android:title="@string/account_use"             android:summary="@string/account_summ" />         <EditTextPreference             android:key="username"             android:title="@string/login"             android:dependency="enable_account"             android:summary="@string/login_summ" />         <EditTextPreference             android:key="password"             android:title="@string/password"             android:dependency="enable_account"             android:summary="@string/password_summ"             android:password="true" />     </PreferenceScreen> 

And here is a screenshot:

alt text

Any workarounds?

like image 846
Jan S. Avatar asked Apr 11 '10 00:04

Jan S.

1 Answers

Somebody just posted a workaround at http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=4611

In a nutshell, top level preference screens seem to recognize the theme but nested ones not. So the workaround recommends creating top level PreferenceActivity for nested PreferenceScreen and then invoking this new activity via intent:

<PreferenceScreen android:key="key1"                       android:title="1 Item"                       android:summary="">         <intent android:action="android.intent.action.VIEW"                 android:targetPackage="com.example"                 android:targetClass="com.example.PreferenceActivity2"/> </PreferenceScreen> 

I didn't have to apply the theme to anything but the application itself.

like image 104
Alex Gitelman Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10

Alex Gitelman