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Predicting next word with text2vec in R

I am building a language model in R to predict a next word in the sentence based on the previous words. Currently my model is a simple ngram model with Kneser-Ney smoothing. It predicts next word by finding ngram with maximum probability (frequency) in the training set, where smoothing offers a way to interpolate lower order ngrams, which can be advantageous in the cases where higher order ngrams have low frequency and may not offer a reliable prediction. While this method works reasonably well, it 'fails in the cases where the n-gram cannot not capture the context. For example, "It is warm and sunny outside, let's go to the..." and "It is cold and raining outside, let's go to the..." will suggest the same prediction, because the context of weather is not captured in the last n-gram (assuming n<5).

I am looking into more advanced methods and I found text2vec package, which allows to map words into vector space where words with similar meaning are represented with similar (close) vectors. I have a feeling that this representation can be helpful for the next word prediction, but i cannot figure out how exactly to define the training task. My quesiton is if text2vec is the right tool to use for next word prediction and if yes, what is the suitable prediction algorithm that can be used for this task?

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Sasha Avatar asked Jan 07 '23 05:01


1 Answers

You can try char-rnn or word-rnn (google a little bit). For character-level model R/mxnet implementation take a look to mxnet examples. Probably it is possible to extend this code to word-level model using text2vec GloVe embeddings.

If you will have any success, let us know (I mean text2vec or/and mxnet developers). I will be very interesting case for R community. I wanted to perform such model/experiment, but still haven't time for that.

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Dmitriy Selivanov Avatar answered Jan 14 '23 15:01

Dmitriy Selivanov