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Precision of Math.Cos() for a large integer

I'm trying to compute the cosine of 4203708359 radians in C#:

var x = (double)4203708359;
var c = Math.Cos(x);

(4203708359 can be exactly represented in double precision.)

I'm getting

c = -0.57977754519440394

Windows' calculator gives

c = -0.579777545198813380788467070278

PHP's cos(double) function (which internally just uses cos(double) from the C standard library) on Linux gives:

c = -0.57977754519881

C's cos(double) function in a simple C program compiled with Visual Studio 2017 gives

c = -0.57977754519881342

Here is the definition of Math.cos() in C#: https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/master/src/mscorlib/src/System/Math.cs#L57-L58

It appears to be a built-in function. I didn't dig (yet) in the C# compiler to check what this effectively compiles to but this is probably the next step.

In the meantime:

Why is the precision so poor in my C# example, and what can I do about it?

Is it simply that the cosine implementation in the C# compiler deals poorly with large integer inputs?

Edit 1: Wolfram Mathematica 11.0:

In[1] := N[Cos[4203708359], 50]
Out[1] := -0.57977754519881338078846707027800171954257546099993

Edit 2: I do need that level precision, and I'm ready to go pretty far in order to obtain it. I'd be happy to use an arbitrary precision library if there exists a good one that supports cosine (my efforts haven't led to one so far).

Edit 3: I posted the question on coreclr's issue tracker: https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/issues/12737

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François Beaune Avatar asked Jul 10 '17 16:07

François Beaune

1 Answers

I think I might know the answer. I'm pretty sure the sin/cos libraries don't take arbitrarily large numbers and calculate the sin/cos of them - they instead reduce them down to low numbers (between 0-2xpi?) and calculate them there. I mean, cos(x) = cos(x + 2xpi) = cos(x + 4xpi) = ...

Problem is, how is the program supposed to reduce your 10-digit number down? Realistically, it should figure out how many times it needs to multiply (2xpi) to get a value just below your number, then subtract that out. In your case, that's about 670 million.

So it's multiplying (2xpi) by this 9 digit value - so it's effectively losing 9 digits worth of significance from the math library's version of pi.

I ended up writing a little function to test what was going on:

    private double reduceDown(double start)

        decimal startDec = (decimal)start;
        decimal pi = decimal.Parse("3.1415926535897932384626433832795");
        decimal tau = pi * 2;
        int num = (int)(startDec / tau);
        decimal x = startDec - (num * tau);
        double retVal;
        double.TryParse(x.ToString(), out retVal);
        return retVal;
        //return start - (num * tau);

All this is doing is using decimal data type as a way of reducing down the value without losing digits of precision from pi - it still returns back a double. When I call it with a modification of your code:

        var x = (double)4203708359;
        var c = Math.Cos(x);

        double y = reduceDown(x);
        double c2 = Math.Cos(y);

        MessageBox.Show(c.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + c2);

... sure enough, the second one is accurate.

So my advice is - if you really need radians that high, and you really need the accuracy? Do something like that function above, and reduce the number down on your end in a way that you don't lose digits of precision.

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Kevin Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 23:09
