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Pre defining multi dimensional array in Excel VBA




I know we can define single dimension array in excel VBA using the following

 GroupCols = Array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L")

How can you predefine multi- dimensional array in the same manner?

Also I want to keep track of certain levels in the following manner




The first index defines the level and so may not be consecutive...like after 16 there is straight 8 and so on. For each i need 3 info which is 0,1,2 second indexes.

Can anyone guide me on how to achieve the same in excel VBA?

like image 863
Sunny D'Souza Avatar asked Aug 04 '11 08:08

Sunny D'Souza

People also ask

How do I create a multi dimensional array in VBA?

Use the Dim statement to declare the array with the name that you want to give. After that, enter a starting parenthesis and define the element count for the first dimension. Next, type a comma and enter a count of elements that you want to have in the second dimension, and close the parentheses.

How do I create a dynamic multidimensional array in VBA?

Create a Dynamic Array in VBA First, declare an array with its name. After that, the elements count left the parentheses empty. Now, use the ReDim statement. In the end, specify the count of elements you want to add to the array.

3 Answers

There is a way to define a 2D array by using evaluate() almost like using array() for 1D:

Sub Array2DWithEvaluate()

Dim Array2D As Variant

'[] ist a shorthand for evaluate()
'Arrays defined with evaluate start at 1 not 0

Array2D = [{"1,1","1,2","1,3";"2,1","2,2","2,3"}]

Debug.Print Array2D(2, 2) '=> 2,2

End Sub

If you want to use a string to define the array you have to use it like this

Sub Array2DWithEvaluateFromString()

Dim strValues As String
Dim Array2D As Variant

strValues = "{""1,1"",""1,2"",""1,3"";""2,1"",""2,2"",""2,3""}"

Array2D = Evaluate(strValues)

Debug.Print Array2D(2, 2) '=> 2,2

End Sub

If you want more info about other uses of the function Evaluate() check this great post.


like image 194
Hubisan Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 16:10


You can't have non-consecutive indices in an array like that. If you do only use a non-consecutive subset of the indices, then all the other elements will be empty but still use up storage space, which is both inefficient and error-prone (LaunchMissile = Levels(17,1), whoops!).

What you're looking for is the Dictionary object. Before use, must set reference as follows: Tools > References > check Microsoft Scripting Runtime.


Dim Levels As Scripting.Dictionary
Set Levels = New Scripting.Dictionary

' Fill up the dictionary
Levels.Add Key:=16, Item:=Array("A", "B", "C")
Levels.Add Key:=8, Item:=Array("FAI", "CNT", "YES")
Levels.Add Key:=7, Item:=Array("Once", "Twice", "Thrice")

' Retrieve items from the dictionary
Debug.Print Levels.Item(8)(0)
Debug.Print Levels.Item(8)(1)
Debug.Print Levels.Item(8)(2)

Note that a Collection object could also do the trick. Advantage: native to VBA, so no need to set reference. Disadvantage: Key is write-only, which can be quite awkward.

like image 39
Jean-François Corbett Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10

Jean-François Corbett

You could use Array(Array()) for e.g.

data = Array(Array(1,2), Array(3,4))

To refer to the first element, use data(0)(0)

(copied from here)

like image 40
iDevlop Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 16:10
