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Powershell Test if array in one line

I do a get-content on a file. Sometimes there are a lot of lines, but it can happen there is only one line (or even 0)

I was doing something like

$csv = (gc $FileIn)
$lastID = $csv[0].Split(' ')[1] #First Line,2nd column

But with only one line, gc return a string and $csv[0] return the first caracter of the string instead of the complete line, and the following Split fail.

Is it possible to do something like :

$lastID = (is_array($csv)?$csv[0]:$csv).Split(' ')[1]

And to do that only if $csv contains at least a line?

Thx for your help, Tim

like image 947
timmalos Avatar asked Aug 16 '13 07:08


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2 Answers

There are type operators one can use to test the type of a variable. -is is the one you need. Like so,

$foo = @()        # Array
$bar = "zof"      # String
$foo -is [array]  # Is foo an array?
True              # Yes it is
$foo -is [string] # Is foo a string?
False             # No it is not
$bar -is [array]  # How about bar
False             # Nope, not an array
$bar -is [string] # A string then?
True              # You betcha!

So something like this could beused

if($csv -is [array]) {
    # Stuff for array
} else {
    # Stuff for string
like image 174
vonPryz Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10


Instead of doing:

$csv = (gc $FileIn)

you had to

$csv = @(gc $FileIn)

Now the output will always be an array of strings irrespective of the file having one line or not. The rest of the code will just have to treat $csv as an array of strings. This way is better than having to check if the output is an array etc., at the least in this situation.

like image 29
manojlds Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10
