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PowerShell string default parameter value does not work as expected

#Requires -Version 2.0  [CmdletBinding()] Param(   [Parameter()] [string] $MyParam = $null )  if($MyParam -eq $null) {   Write-Host 'works' } else {   Write-Host 'does not work' } 

Outputs "does not work" => looks like strings are converted from null to empty string implicitly? Why? And how to test if a string is empty or really $null? This should be two different values!

like image 278
D.R. Avatar asked Apr 07 '14 07:04


People also ask

How do I set a default parameter in PowerShell?

You can use a script block to specify different default values for a parameter under different conditions. PowerShell evaluates the script block and uses the result as the default parameter value. The Format-Table:AutoSize key sets that switch parameter to a default value of True.

What is param () in PowerShell?

The PowerShell parameter is a fundamental component of any script. A parameter is a way that developers enable script users to provide input at runtime. If a PowerShell script's behavior needs to change in some way, a parameter provides an opportunity to do so without changing the underlying code.

How do you make a parameter mandatory in PowerShell?

To make a parameter mandatory add a "Mandatory=$true" to the parameter description. To make a parameter optional just leave the "Mandatory" statement out. Make sure the "param" statement is the first one (except for comments and blank lines) in either the script or the function.

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2 Answers

Okay, found the answer @ https://www.codykonior.com/2013/10/17/checking-for-null-in-powershell/


Param(   [string] $stringParam = $null ) 

And the parameter was not specified (is using default value):

# will NOT work if ($null -eq $stringParam) { }  # WILL work: if ($stringParam -eq "" -and $stringParam -eq [String]::Empty) { } 

Alternatively, you can specify a special null type:

Param(   [string] $stringParam = [System.Management.Automation.Language.NullString]::Value ) 

In which case the $null -eq $stringParam will work as expected.


like image 59
D.R. Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 22:10


You will need to use the AllowNull attribute if you want to allow $null for string parameters:

[CmdletBinding()] Param (     [Parameter()]      [AllowNull()]     [string] $MyParam ) 

And note that you should use $null on the left-hand side of the comparison:

if ($null -eq $MyParam) 

if you want it to work predictably

like image 44
oɔɯǝɹ Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 23:10
