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PowerShell script to get network card speed of a Windows Computer

What is the PowerShell script to get the speed a specific Windows machine's network card is running at?

I know this can be done with a WMI query based statement and will post an answer once I work it out.

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Martin Hollingsworth Avatar asked Jun 09 '10 01:06

Martin Hollingsworth

2 Answers

A basic command is

Get-WmiObject -ComputerName 'servername' -Class Win32_NetworkAdapter | `
    Where-Object { $_.Speed -ne $null -and $_.MACAddress -ne $null } | `
    Format-Table -Property SystemName,Name,NetConnectionID,Speed

Note that the ComputerName parameter takes an array so you can run this against multiple computers provided you have rights. Replace the Format-Table property list with ***** to get a more comprehensive list of available properties. You might want to filter on these properties to get rid of entries you aren't interested in.

Using the built in byte Multiplier suffixes (MB, GB etc) would also make the speed more readable depending on your needs. You could specify this as a HashTable entry on the Format-Table -Property array e.g.

Format-Table -Property NetConnectionID,@{Label='Speed(GB)'; Expression = {$_.Speed/1GB}}
like image 122
Martin Hollingsworth Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 15:10

Martin Hollingsworth

Starting with Windows 8/Server 2012, you can try Get-NetAdapter and several more specialized commands like Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty:


You can also use the more comprehensive WMI class MSFT_NetAdapter to create customized output. MSFT_NetAdapter is described here:


Here's a command to list the speed and other properties of enabled (State 2), connected (OperationalStatusDownMediaDisconnected $false), 802.3 wired (NdisPhysicalMedium 14), non-virtual adapters on the local computer:

Get-WmiObject -Namespace Root\StandardCimv2 -Class MSFT_NetAdapter | `
  Where-Object { $_.State -eq 2 -and $_.OperationalStatusDownMediaDisconnected -eq $false -and `
                 $_.NdisPhysicalMedium -eq 14 -and $_.Virtual -eq $false } | `
  Format-Table Name,Virtual,State,NdisPhysicalMedium, `
  @{Label='Connected'; Expression={-not $_.OperationalStatusDownMediaDisconnected}}, `
  @{Label='Speed(MB)'; Expression = {$_.Speed/1000000}}, `
like image 21
Mark Berry Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 17:10

Mark Berry