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PowerShell functions return behavior



I am seeing some rather weird behavior with PowerShell, it looks like custom functions might need a "parenthesis wrapper" to evaluate as you might expect them. Given a simple PowerShell function:

function Return-True { return $true }

and then some sample code to invoke it:

PS C:\> Return-True
PS C:\> Return-True -eq $false
PS C:\> (Return-True) -eq $false

Ideas? Comments?

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Goyuix Avatar asked Sep 29 '08 15:09


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The tilde (~) represents the ENTER keystroke. You can also use {ENTER} , though they're not identical - that's the keypad's ENTER key.

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2 Answers

When PowerShell sees the token Return-True it identifies it as a command and until evaluation or end of the statement, everything else is an argument which is passed to the function Return-True.

You can see this in action if you do:

PS > function Return-True { "The arguments are: $args"; return $true }
PS > Return-True -eq $false
The arguments are: -eq False

That's why all of the following return 'True', because all you are seeing is the result of calling Return-True with various arguments:

PS > Return-True -eq $false
PS > Return-True -ne $false
PS > Return-True -eq $true
PS > Return-True -ne $true

Using (Return-True) forces PowerShell to evaluate the function (with no arguments).

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Grant Wagner Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 05:09

Grant Wagner

The second line is not doing a boolean evaluation. Look at what happens if you do the same thing with strings.

PS C:\> function Return-True { return "True string" }
PS C:\> Return-True
True string
PS C:\> Return-True -eq "False string"
True string
PS C:\> (Return-True) -eq "False string"

The second line is simply returning the value of the function, and not doing a comparison. I'm not sure exactly why this behavior is happening, but it makes the behavior easier to see than when using boolean values that are being converted to the strings "True" and "False".

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hurcane Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 06:09
