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Powershell Copy-Item but only copy changed files

People also ask

Does PowerShell copy item overwrite existing files?

By default, when you will copy item in PowerShell using the Copy-Item, it will overwrite the files in the destination folder. The above PowerShell script will overwrite the files but it will show an error for folders: Copy-Item : An item with the specified name D:\Bijay\Destination\Folder1 already exists.

Will Robocopy overwrite newer files?

Robocopy normally overwrites those. /XN excludes existing files newer than the copy in the source directory. Robocopy normally overwrites those. /XO excludes existing files older than the copy in the source directory.

How do I copy only changes using xcopy?

If you want to copy only new files or changed files, you can use xcopy command in batch script file on Windows system. /i /d /y parameters provide that copy only new files and changed files. These detect file modify time changes , but do not notice size changes.

Both of those are solid answers for powershell, but it would probably be far more easy to just leverage Robocopy (MS Supplied robust copy application).

robocopy "C:\SourceDir\" "C:\DestDir\" /MIR

would accomplish the same thing.

Here is some of the guidelines how you can your script to be more maintainable.

Conver the original script as a filter.

filter HasChanged { 

    # if $file's MD5 has does not exist
    # then return $_

Then simply filter all files that are updated and copy them.

# Note that "Copy-Item" here does not preserve original directory structure
# Every updated file gets copied right under "C:\MyTest2"
ls C:\MyTest -Recurse | HasChanged | Copy-Item -Path {$_} C:\MyTest2

Or you can create another function that generates sub directory

ls C:\MyTest -Recurse | HasChanged | % { Copy-Item $_ GenerateSubDirectory(...) }

I found a solution...but not sure it is the best from a performance perspective:

$Source = "c:\scripts"
$Destination = "c:\test"
function Get-FileMD5 {
    $mode = [System.IO.FileMode]("open")
    $access = [System.IO.FileAccess]("Read")
    $md5 = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider
    $fs = New-Object System.IO.FileStream($file,$mode,$access)
    $Hash = $md5.ComputeHash($fs)
    [string]$Hash = $Hash
    Return $Hash
function Copy-LatestFile{
    $File1Date = get-Item $File1 | foreach-Object{$_.LastWriteTimeUTC}
    $File2Date = get-Item $File2 | foreach-Object{$_.LastWriteTimeUTC}
    if($File1Date -gt $File2Date)
        Write-Host "$File1 is Newer... Copying..."
        if($whatif){Copy-Item -path $File1 -dest $File2 -force -whatif}
        else{Copy-Item -path $File1 -dest $File2 -force}
        #Don't want to copy this in my case..but good to know
        #Write-Host "$File2 is Newer... Copying..."
        #if($whatif){Copy-Item -path $File2 -dest $File1 -force -whatif}
        #else{Copy-Item -path $File2 -dest $File1 -force}

# Getting Files/Folders from Source and Destination
$SrcEntries = Get-ChildItem $Source -Recurse
$DesEntries = Get-ChildItem $Destination -Recurse

# Parsing the folders and Files from Collections
$Srcfolders = $SrcEntries | Where-Object{$_.PSIsContainer}
$SrcFiles = $SrcEntries | Where-Object{!$_.PSIsContainer}
$Desfolders = $DesEntries | Where-Object{$_.PSIsContainer}
$DesFiles = $DesEntries | Where-Object{!$_.PSIsContainer}

# Checking for Folders that are in Source, but not in Destination
foreach($folder in $Srcfolders)
    $SrcFolderPath = $source -replace "\\","\\" -replace "\:","\:"
    $DesFolder = $folder.Fullname -replace $SrcFolderPath,$Destination
    if(!(test-path $DesFolder))
        Write-Host "Folder $DesFolder Missing. Creating it!"
        new-Item $DesFolder -type Directory | out-Null

# Checking for Folders that are in Destinatino, but not in Source
foreach($folder in $Desfolders)
    $DesFilePath = $Destination -replace "\\","\\" -replace "\:","\:"
    $SrcFolder = $folder.Fullname -replace $DesFilePath,$Source
    if(!(test-path $SrcFolder))
        Write-Host "Folder $SrcFolder Missing. Creating it!"
        new-Item $SrcFolder -type Directory | out-Null

# Checking for Files that are in the Source, but not in Destination
foreach($entry in $SrcFiles)
    $SrcFullname = $entry.fullname
    $SrcName = $entry.Name
    $SrcFilePath = $Source -replace "\\","\\" -replace "\:","\:"
    $DesFile = $SrcFullname -replace $SrcFilePath,$Destination
    if(test-Path $Desfile)
        $SrcMD5 = Get-FileMD5 $SrcFullname
        $DesMD5 = Get-FileMD5 $DesFile
        If(Compare-Object $srcMD5 $desMD5)
            Write-Host "The Files MD5's are Different... Checking Write
            Write-Host $SrcMD5
            Write-Host $DesMD5
            Copy-LatestFile $SrcFullname $DesFile
        Write-Host "$Desfile Missing... Copying from $SrcFullname"
        copy-Item -path $SrcFullName -dest $DesFile -force

# Checking for Files that are in the Destinatino, but not in Source
foreach($entry in $DesFiles)
    $DesFullname = $entry.fullname
    $DesName = $entry.Name
    $DesFilePath = $Destination -replace "\\","\\" -replace "\:","\:"
    $SrcFile = $DesFullname -replace $DesFilePath,$Source
    if(!(test-Path $SrcFile))
        Write-Host "$SrcFile Missing... Copying from $DesFullname"
        copy-Item -path $DesFullname -dest $SrcFile -force