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PowerShell configuration with an rc-like file

What script and where I should write in order to define:

  1. alias for ll="ls -l"
  2. alias/function cd = "original cd; ll"

So, my question has to parts where is the rc files of the Power Shell on Windows 7 and how to alias ll to ls -l and cd to cd; ll?

like image 884
Narek Avatar asked Aug 27 '12 13:08


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1 Answers

Create a file in the place where the power shell points when you type $profile and press enter, if it does not exist. (For more info look here.)

Also I have found a lots of good examples next to the powershell.exe in my system there is an example folder, where there is a file named profile.ps1 with the following code:

set-alias cat        get-content
set-alias cd         set-location
set-alias clear      clear-host
set-alias cp         copy-item
set-alias h          get-history
set-alias history    get-history
set-alias kill       stop-process
set-alias lp         out-printer
set-alias ls         get-childitem
set-alias mount      new-mshdrive
set-alias mv         move-item
set-alias popd       pop-location
set-alias ps         get-process
set-alias pushd      push-location
set-alias pwd        get-location
set-alias r          invoke-history
set-alias rm         remove-item
set-alias rmdir      remove-item
set-alias echo       write-output

set-alias cls        clear-host
set-alias chdir      set-location
set-alias copy       copy-item
set-alias del        remove-item
set-alias dir        get-childitem
set-alias erase      remove-item
set-alias move       move-item
set-alias rd         remove-item
set-alias ren        rename-item
set-alias set        set-variable
set-alias type       get-content

function help
    get-help $args[0] | out-host -paging

function man
    get-help $args[0] | out-host -paging

function mkdir
    new-item -type directory -path $args

function md
    new-item -type directory -path $args

function prompt
    "PS " + $(get-location) + "> "

& {
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt 26; $i++) 
        $funcname = ([System.Char]($i+65)) + ':'
        $str = "function global:$funcname { set-location $funcname } " 
        invoke-expression $str 

Also take into account the following problem. You may have the following error while executing the file located in $profile:

"Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps" cannot be loaded because the execution of scripts is disabled on this system. Please see "get-help about_signing" for more details.

Solution: Check the current execution-policy

PS C:\Windows\System32> Get-ExecutionPolicy
PS C:\Windows\System32>

To change the execution policy to allow PowerShell to execute scripts from local files, run the following command:

PS C:\Windows\System32> Set-Executionpolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
like image 147
Narek Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 21:09
