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PowerShell array to store strings

I have a list of files that I am breaking up into parts. That works, but I want to be able to reference each part individually. The issue is with my array not wanting/being able to take in a string. The file naming format is custID_invID_prodID or custID_invID_prodID_Boolvalue.

$files = Get-ChildItem test *.txt
[string]$custId = $files.Count
[string]$invID = $files.Count
[string]$prodID = $files.Count
[int]$Boolvalue = $files.Count
foreach($file in (Get-ChildItem test *.txt)) {
    for($i = 0; $i -le $files.Count; $i++){
        $custId[$i], $invID[$i], $prodID[$i], $Boolvalue[$i] = $file.BaseName -split "_"
        Write-Host $custId, $invID, $prodID, $Boolvalue

The error message I am seeing is:

Unable to index into an object of type System.String.

How can I do this?

like image 320
Grady D Avatar asked Feb 19 '14 15:02

Grady D

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3 Answers

I'd suggest working with objects instead of a lot of string arrays. I have an example below in which I have replaced the file listing, since I don't have the file structure in place, with an ordinary array. Just remove that array declaration and put in your Get-ChildItem call and it should work just fine.

function ConvertTo-MyTypeOfItem
    PARAM (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        $custId, $invId, $prodId, [int]$value = $StringToParse -split "_"
        $myObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            CustomerID = $custId;
            InvoiceID = $invId;
            ProductID = $prodId;
            Value = $value
        Write-Output $myObject

# In the test scenario I have replaced getting the list of files
# with an array of names. Just uncomment the first and second lines 
# following this comment and remove the other $baseNames setter, to
# get the $baseNames from the file listing

#$files = Get-ChildItem test *.txt
#$baseNames = $files.BaseName
$baseNames = @(

$myObjectArray = $baseNames | ConvertTo-MyTypeOfItem 


The above function will return objects with the CustomerID, InvoiceID, ProductID and Value properties. In the sample above, the function is called and the returned array value is set to the $myObjectArray/code> variable. When output in the console it will give the following output:

InvoiceID                CustomerID               ProductID                                  Value
---------                ----------               ---------                                  -----
inv1                     cust1                    prod1                                          1
inv2                     cust2                    prod2                                          2
inv3                     cust3                    prod3                                          3
inv4                     cust4                    prod4                                          4
like image 200
Robert Westerlund Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09

Robert Westerlund

Seems to me that you're doing it the hard way. Why 4 arrays for every "field" of a file? It's better to create array of arrays - first index would indicate a file, and second a field in file:

$files = Get-ChildItem test *.txt

$arrFiles = @(,@());
foreach($file in $files ) {
    $arrFile = $file.BaseName -split "_"
    $arrFiles += ,$arrFile;
Write-Host "listing all parts from file 1:"
foreach ($part in $arrFiles[1]) {
    Write-Host $part
Write-Host "listing part 0 from all files":
for ($i=0; $i -lt $arrFiles.Count ; $i++) {
    Write-Host $arrFiles[$i][0];
like image 44
AdamL Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09


Because you're trying to index into an object of type System.String! You set all your variables as strings to start with and then try to assign to an index, which I presume would attempt to assign a string to the character position at the index you provide.

This is untested but should be in the right direction.

$custIdArr = @()
$invIDArr = @()
$prodIDArr = @()
$BoolvalueArr = @()
foreach($file in (Get-ChildItem test*.txt)) {
    $split = $file.BaseName -split "_"
    $custId = $split[0];  $custIdArr += $custId
    $invID = $split[1];  $invIDArr += $invId
    $prodID = $split[2];  $prodIDArr += $prodID
    $boolValue = $split[3];  $boolValueArr += $boolValue
    Write-Host $custId, $invID, $prodID, $Boolvalue

Create a set of empty arrays, loop through your directory, split the filename for each file, append the results of the split into the relevant array.

I'm assigning to $custId, $invID, $prodID, $Boolvalue for the sake of clarity above, you may choose to directly add to the array from the $split var i.e. $invIDArr += $split[1]

like image 29
arco444 Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09
