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Powershell 4.0 Transcript is not capturing output of Write-Host statements

I have created following script(test.ps1) and I am executing it from command line as "powershell .\test.ps1"

Write-Host(Start-Transcript -Path "D:\logs.txt")
$remoteScript = {
    Write-Host "Remote Log"
Invoke-Command -ConnectionUri $uri -Credential $creds -ScriptBlock $remoteScript
Write-Host "Local Log"

However in the log file generated after executing script, I do not see the log statement either remote or local. This used to work with Powershell 3.0 but recently I upgraded to Powershell 4.0 and it stopped working.

Has anyone faced similar issue or is aware of any other way to capture output from remote and local commands?



like image 777
Gaurav Avatar asked Oct 19 '22 15:10


1 Answers

Here is a hotfix from Microsoft to resolve this issue:


It is also discussed here, in Technet


From the Hotfix site:

On a server that's running Windows Server 2012 R2, you encounter one or more of the following issues when you use PowerShell:

  • Issue 1

The Start-Transcript cmdlet does not capture write-host calls, as seen in the following script example:

Start-Transcript -path $env:TEMP\transcript.txt
Write-Host Hello World

Get-Content $env:TEMP\transcript.txt
In this case, "Hello World" does not appear in the transcript.txt file as expected.

like image 66
PlantationGator Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 12:10
