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PostMessage() succeeds but my message processing code never receives the message

In my C++ application's GUI object I have the following in the main window procedure:

case WM_SIZE:
        OutputDebugString(L"WM_SIZE received.\n");
        RECT rect = {0};
        GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rect);
        if (!PostMessage(0, GUI_MSG_SIZECHANGED, w, MAKELONG(rect.bottom - rect.top, rect.right - rect.left))) {
            OutputDebugString(L"PostMessage failed.\n"); // <--- never called

    return 0; // break;

The GUI object also has the following getMessage() method:

int GUI::getMessage(MSG & msg) {
    BOOL result = 0;

    while ((result = GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0)) > 0) {
        if (msg.message > (GUI_MSG_BASE-1) && msg.message < (GUI_MSG_LAST+1)) {
            OutputDebugString(L"GUI message received.\n");
        else {

    return result;

The application object calls this method in the following way:

while ((result = _gui.getMessage(msg)) > 0) {
    switch (msg.message) {
        // TODO: Add gui message handlers
            OutputDebugString(L"GUI_MSG_SIZECHANGED received.\n");
            if (msg.wParam == SIZE_MAXIMIZED)
            else if (msg.wParam == SIZE_MINIMIZED)
            else if (msg.wParam == SIZE_RESTORED)

The application object is interested in the window size because it stores this information in a configuration file.

When I run this in Visual Studio's debugger, the output window looks like this after resizing the window:

WM_SIZE received.
GUI message received.
WM_SIZE received.
WM_SIZE received.
WM_SIZE received.
WM_SIZE received.

The PostMessage() function never fails, but seems to only send GUI_MSG_SIZECHANGED (#defined as WM_APP + 0x000d) the first time WM_SIZE is handled, which is right after handling WM_CREATE.

I have no idea what could be causing this. I tried using SendMessage and PostThreadMessage but the result is the same. Also read through MSDN's message handling documentation but couldn't find what's wrong with my code.

Could anyone help?

like image 701
Jehjoa Avatar asked Jun 26 '11 18:06


1 Answers

Hacking a custom message loop is something you'll live to regret some day. You hit it early.

Don't post messages with a NULL window handle, they can only work if you can guarantee that your program only ever pumps your custom message loop. You cannot make such a guarantee. These messages fall into the bit bucket as soon as you start a dialog or Windows decides to pump a message loop itself. Which is the case when the user resizes a window, the resize logic is modal. Windows pumps its own message loop, WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE announces it. This is also the reason that PostThreadMessage is evil if the thread is capable of displaying any window. Even a MessageBox is fatal. DispatchMessage cannot deliver the message.

Create a hidden window that acts as the controller. Now you can detect GUI_MSG_SIZECHANGED in its window procedure and no hacks to the message loop are necessary. That controller is not infrequently the main window of your app btw.

like image 92
Hans Passant Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 05:11

Hans Passant