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Postman: How to check the data type of each value in a response

How do I check that the data type of each value in an API response is NOT an integer?

For example, if my API returns this:

 "teamPermissions": [

I need a Postman test to make sure that an integer is never returned in the teamPermission array.

Here's what I started but need assistance:

var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
tests["Team Permissions Do Not Contain Integers"] = typeof(jsonData.teamPermissions) !== "number"

This passes because teamPermissions is an object but how do I check each value of the object is not an integer?

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pgtips Avatar asked Feb 13 '18 22:02


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1 Answers

This should do the check for you:

pm.test('Not contain numbers', () => {
    var jsonData = pm.response.json()
    for (i = 0; i < jsonData.teamPermissions.length; i++) {

Here's what the check will do if a number is part of the array, I've logged out the types so you can see what it's checking against.


Another alternative is to use Lodash, it's a build-in module for the Postman native app. This code will run the same check as the one above:

pm.test('Not contain numbers', () => {
    _.each(pm.response.json().teamPermissions, (arrItem) => {
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Danny Dainton Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 03:10

Danny Dainton