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Postgresql tables exists, but getting "relation does not exist" when querying




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<> is the standard SQL operator meaning "not equal". Many databases, including postgresql, supports != as a synonym for <> . They're exactly the same in postgresql.

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You have to include the schema if isnt a public one

FROM <schema>."my_table"

Or you can change your default schema

SHOW search_path;
SET search_path TO my_schema;

Check your table schema here

FROM information_schema.columns

enter image description here

For example if a table is on the default schema public both this will works ok

SELECT * FROM parroquias_region
SELECT * FROM public.parroquias_region

But sectors need specify the schema

SELECT * FROM map_update.sectores_point

You can try:

FROM public."my_table"

Don't forget double quotes near my_table.

I had to include double quotes with the table name.

db=> \d
                           List of relations
 Schema |                     Name                      | Type  | Owner 
 public | COMMONDATA_NWCG_AGENCIES                      | table | dan

Did not find any relation named "COMMONDATA_NWCG_AGENCIES".


Double quotes:

                         Table "public.COMMONDATA_NWCG_AGENCIES"
          Column          |            Type             | Collation | Nullable | Default 
 ID                       | integer                     |           | not null | 

Lots and lots of double quotes:

db=> select ID from COMMONDATA_NWCG_AGENCIES limit 1;
ERROR:  relation "commondata_nwcg_agencies" does not exist
LINE 1: select ID from COMMONDATA_NWCG_AGENCIES limit 1;
db=> select ID from "COMMONDATA_NWCG_AGENCIES" limit 1;
ERROR:  column "id" does not exist
LINE 1: select ID from "COMMONDATA_NWCG_AGENCIES" limit 1;
db=> select "ID" from "COMMONDATA_NWCG_AGENCIES" limit 1;
(1 row)

This is postgres 11. The CREATE TABLE statements from this dump had double quotes as well:



I hit this error and it turned out my connection string was pointing to another database, obviously the table didn't exist there.

I spent a few hours on this and no one else has mentioned to double check your connection string.

I had the same problem that occurred after I restored data from a postgres dumped db.

My dump file had the command below from where things started going south.

    SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);


  1. Probably remove it or change that false to be true.
  2. Create a private schema that will be used to access all the tables.

The command above simply deactivates all the publicly accessible schemas.

Check more on the documentation here: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/ecpg-connect.html