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postgresql pg_dump without schema name

pg_dump version 10.3 started adding the schema name explicitly to the table name. So what used to be

INSERT INTO table (id) VALUES (1);

Is now

INSERT INTO public.table (id) VALUES (1);

How can you switch it off? My problem is, that I dump this into a mariadb where you don't have schema names.

like image 663
raumi75 Avatar asked Mar 05 '18 11:03


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Does PG_dump dump non-schema objects?

When -n is specified, pg_dump makes no attempt to dump any other database objects that the selected schema (s) might depend upon. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the results of a specific-schema dump can be successfully restored by themselves into a clean database. Non-schema objects such as blobs are not dumped when -n is specified.

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Re: remapping schema names with pg_restore? As noted, there's no direct support in pg_dump, psql or pg_restore to change the schema name during a dump/restore process. But it's fairly straightforward to export using "plain" format then modify the .sql file.

1 Answers

If it's just the INSERT statements that you care about, like me, then I believe this is safe, and will remove the "public" schema from your tables.

sed -i -e 's/^INSERT INTO public\./INSERT INTO /' <filename.sql>

It modifies the file in place, so be careful.

like image 97
Karl von Randow Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 19:10

Karl von Randow