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PostgreSQL: order by sum of computed values

I have a table tips that is defined as follows:

  tip_id bigserial NOT NULL,
  tip text NOT NULL,
  author text NOT NULL,
  post_date bigint NOT NULL,
  likers character varying(16)[],
  dislikers character varying(16)[],
  likes integer NOT NULL,
  dislikes integer NOT NULL,
  abuse_history character varying(16)[]

I need to get the tips based on popularity, with the definition of popularity being:
likes - dislikes - (size(abuse_history)*5)

The query below gives me the same results regardless of the sort order (ASC/DESC).

select * from tips order by (likes - dislikes - (array_length(abuse_history,1) * 5)) ASC limit 2147483647 offset 0


I inserted 3 records that have the following values:
1) 1 like, 0 dislikes, 0 abuse complaints
2) 0 likes, 1 dislike, 0 abuse complaints
3) 0 likes, 0 dislikes, 0 abuse...

Regardless of the sort order (ASC/DESC), I get the following order: {3, 1, 2}

Could anyone please point me in the right direction?

like image 652
vivri Avatar asked Sep 30 '11 18:09


People also ask

How does ORDER BY work in Postgres?

The ORDER BY clause in PostgreSQL is used together with the SELECT statement to sort table data. The table data can either be sorted in ascending or descending order. By default, the data is sorted in ascending order.

How do I sum query in PostgreSQL?

Use the SUM() function to calculate the sum of values. Use the DISTINCT option to calculate the sum of distinct values. Use the SUM() function with the GROUP BY clause to calculate the sum for each group.

How do I sort in descending order in PostgreSQL?

ASC is a command used to sort the results in ascending order. Adding this condition is optional, as it is the default way to sort the query results in Postgres. DESC is a command used to sort the results in descending order.

2 Answers

Consider this:

SELECT array_length('{}'::character varying(16)[],1);

Output is NULL for an empty array. Also, your abuse_history can be NULL itself. So you need something like this:

  FROM tips
 ORDER BY (likes - dislikes - COALESCE(array_length(abuse_history,1) * 5, 0)) DESC;

EDIT after feedback:

Works in PostgreSQL 9.0 as shown in this demo:

( tip_id bigserial NOT NULL,
  tip text,
  author text,
  post_date bigint,
  likers character varying(16)[],
  dislikers character varying(16)[],
  likes integer,
  dislikes integer,
  abuse_history character varying(16)[]

INSERT INTO tips (likes, dislikes, abuse_history)
VALUES(1,0, '{}')
,(1,0, '{}')
,(0,1, '{}')
,(0,0, '{}')
,(1,0, '{stinks!,reeks!,complains_a_lot}');

SELECT tip_id
        , likes
        , dislikes
        , (likes - dislikes - COALESCE(array_upper(abuse_history,1) * 5,0)) as pop
        , (likes - dislikes - array_upper(abuse_history,1) * 5) as fail_pop
  FROM tips
 ORDER BY (likes - dislikes - COALESCE(array_upper(abuse_history,1) * 5,0)) DESC;


 tip_id | likes | dislikes | pop | fail_pop
      1 |     1 |        0 |   1 |
      2 |     1 |        0 |   1 |
      4 |     0 |        0 |   0 |
      3 |     0 |        1 |  -1 |
      5 |     1 |        0 | -14 |      -14
like image 131
Erwin Brandstetter Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 05:10

Erwin Brandstetter

In order to debug this, put the same expression of the ORDER BY clause into the SELECT part. Then examine the results - are they really what you expect?

select *, (likes - dislikes - (array_length(abuse_history,1) * 5)) 
from tips 
order by (likes - dislikes - (array_length(abuse_history,1) * 5)) ASC 
limit 2147483647 offset 0

Oh, and BTW, strip that silly LIMIT and OFFSET thing.

like image 40
A.H. Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 06:10
