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postgresql on conflict-cannot affect row a second time



I have a table, i have auto numbering/sequence on data_id

data_id   [PK]
data_code [Unique]

example code:

insert into tabledata(data_code,data_desc) values(Z01,'red')
on conflict (data_code) do update set data_desc=excluded.data_desc

works fine, and then i insert again

insert into tabledata(data_code,data_desc) values(Z01,'blue')
on conflict (data_code) do update set data_desc=excluded.data_desc

i got this error

[Err] ERROR: ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE command cannot affect row a second time HINT: Ensure that no rows proposed for insertion within the same command have duplicate constrained values.

this is my real code

insert into psa_aso_branch(branch_code,branch_desc,regional_code,status,created_date,lastmodified_date) 
    (select branch_code, branch, kode_regional, 
    case when status_data='Y' then true 
    else false end, current_date, current_date 
    from branch_history) on conflict (branch_code) do
    update set branch_desc = excluded.branch_desc, regional_code = excluded.regional_code,status = (case when excluded.status='Y' then true else false end), created_date=current_date, lastmodified_date=current_date;

working fine on first, but not the next one (like the example i give you before)

like image 474
Alexander Chandra Avatar asked Mar 24 '17 08:03

Alexander Chandra

People also ask

What does on conflict do PostgreSQL?

ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE updates the existing row that conflicts with the row proposed for insertion as its alternative action.

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PostgreSQL lets you either add or modify a record within a table depending on whether the record already exists. This is commonly known as an "upsert" operation (a portmanteau of "insert" and "update").

What is insert on conflict?

The INSERT ON CONFLICT statement allows you to update an existing row that contains a primary key when you execute the INSERT statement to insert a new row that contains the same primary key. This feature is also known as UPSERT or INSERT OVERWRITE. It is similar to the REPLACE INTO statement of MySQL.

What is excluded in PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL excludes statements in PostgreSQL is used to compare any two rows from the specified column or expression by using the operator specified in PostgreSQL. At the time of excluding the column, the comparison operator will return the null or false value as output.

2 Answers

I have been stuck on this issue for about 24 hours.

It is weird when I test the query on cli and it's works fine. It is working fine when I make an insertion using one data row. This errors only appear when I'm using insert-select.

It is not mostly because of insert-select problem. It is because the select rows is not unique. This will trigger the CONFLICT for more than once.

Thanks to @zivaricha comment. I experiment from his notes. Just that its hard to understand at first.

Solution: Using distinct to make sure the select returns unique result.

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Yakob Ubaidi Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 09:09

Yakob Ubaidi

you can use update on existing record/row not on row you are inserting . Here update in on conflict clause applies to row in excluded table . which holds row temporarily

In the first case record is inserted since there is no clash on data_code . and update is not executed at all

In the second insert you are inserting Z01 which is already inserted as data_code and data_code is unique .

The excluded table still holds the duplicate value of data_code after the update . so the record is not inserted. In update set data_code have to be changed in order to insert record properly

like image 34
harsha kumar Reddy Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 09:09

harsha kumar Reddy