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PostgreSQL - how do you get the column formats?

I'm using PostgreSQL 9.3.3 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-52), 64-bit.

I've done


, got the cursor and can run lines of code similar to

cur.execute('SELECT latitude, longitude, date from db')
table = cur.fetchall()

From what I understand at http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/cursor.html, running


should show the type_code of each column. How come I don't get this?

I get

(Column(name='column_name', type_code=1043, display_size=None, internal_size=-1, precision=None, scale=None, null_ok=None), Column(name='data_type', type_code=1043, display_size=None, internal_size=-1, precision=None, scale=None, null_ok=None))

Another solution I've been suggested is running

cur.execute('select column_name, data_type from information_schema.columns')
cols = cur.fetchall()

but this returns an empty list.

That's what I've tried. What do you suggest for getting the column formats?

like image 974
johnsmith Avatar asked Jan 08 '15 03:01


People also ask

How do I change the format of a column in PostgreSQL?

First, specify the name of the table to which the column you want to change belongs in the ALTER TABLE clause. Second, give the name of column whose data type will be changed in the ALTER COLUMN clause. Third, provide the new data type for the column after the TYPE keyword.

1 Answers

information_schema.columns should provide you with the column data-type info.

For example, given this DDL:

create table foo
  id serial,
  name text,
  val int

insert into foo (name, val) values ('narf', 1), ('poit', 2);

And this query (filtering out the meta tables to get at your tables):

select *
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog')
order by table_schema, table_name;

Will yield 4 rows, for the table foo -- the three columns I defined, plus a FK.

SQL fiddle

Regarding psycopg2, the information_schema-related code that you have shown looks like it should work... What's the entirety of the code? I would also recommend trying to step through the code in a debugger (the built-in pdb is OK, but I would recommend pudb, as it's more full featured and easier to use, but still terminal-based. It only runs on *nix platforms, though, due to the underlying modules it uses.


I was able to get the data_type info from information_schema using psycopg2 with the following code:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extras

conn = psycopg2.connect("host=<host> dbname=<dbname> user=<user> password=<password>")
cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)

cur.execute("""select *
               from information_schema.columns
               where table_schema NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog')
               order by table_schema, table_name""")

for row in cur:
    print "schema: {schema}, table: {table}, column: {col}, type: {type}".format(
        schema = row['table_schema'], table = row['table_name'],
        col = row['column_name'], type = row['data_type'])

I prefer to use DictCursors, as I find them much easier to work with, but it should work with a regular cursor, too -- you would just need to change how you accessed the rows.

Also, regarding cur.description, that returns a tuple of tuples. If you want to get at the type_code there, you can do so like this:

print cur.description[0][1]

Where the first dimension in the index of the column you want to look at, and the second dimension is the datum within that column. type_code is always 1. So you could iterate over the outer tuple and always look at its second item, for example.

like image 136
khampson Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 03:09
