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PostgreSQL - GROUP BY clause

I want to search by tags, and then list all articles with that tag, and also how many of given tags they match. So for example I might have:

 Page1 - 2 (has css and php tag)
 Page2 - 1 (has only css tag)


FROM a_tags t
JOIN w_articles2tag a2t ON a2t.tag = t.id 
JOIN w_article a ON a.id = a2t.article 
WHERE t.tag = 'css' OR t.tag = 'php'
GROUP BY t.tag

When I only put COUNT(t.tag) the query works, and I get okay results. But if I append e.g. ID of my article I get following error:

ERROR: column "a.title" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(t.tag), a.title FROM a_tags t

How to add said columns to this query?

like image 695
Adrian Avatar asked Dec 07 '22 05:12


1 Answers

Postgres 9.1 or later, quoting the release notes of 9.1 ...

Allow non-GROUP BY columns in the query target list when the primary key is specified in the GROUP BY clause (Peter Eisentraut)

The SQL standard allows this behavior, and because of the primary key, the result is unambiguous.


  • Return a grouped list with occurrences using Rails and PostgreSQL

The queries in the question and in @Michael's answer have the logic backwards. We want to count how many tags match per article, not how many articles have a certain tag. So we need to GROUP BY w_article.id, not by a_tags.id.

list all articles with that tag, and also how many of given tags they match

To fix this:

SELECT count(t.tag) AS ct, a.*  -- any column from table a allowed ...
FROM   a_tags         t
JOIN   w_articles2tag a2t ON a2t.tag = t.id
JOIN   w_article      a   ON a.id = a2t.article
WHERE  t.tag IN ('css', 'php')
GROUP  BY a.id                  -- ... since PK is in GROUP BY

Assuming id is the primary key of w_article.
However, this form will be faster while doing the same:

SELECT a.*, ct
   SELECT a2t.article AS id, count(*) AS ct
   FROM   a_tags         t
   JOIN   w_articles2tag a2t ON a2t.tag = t.id 
   GROUP  BY 1
   LIMIT  9      -- LIMIT early - cheaper
   ) sub
JOIN   w_article a USING (id);  -- attached alias to article in the sub

Closely related answer from just yesterday:

  • Why does the following join increase the query time significantly?
like image 51
Erwin Brandstetter Avatar answered Dec 08 '22 19:12

Erwin Brandstetter