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Postgresql full text search with TypeOrm

There is some way to handle full text search with Postgres and TypeOrm. I've seen some examples but they only work with Mysql. How can I get the equivalent of this but with Postgresql?

export class User {

    id: string;

    @Index({ fulltext: true })
    name: string;

And use query builder:

const searchTerm = "John";

const result = await connection.manager.getRepository(User)
            .where(`MATCH(name) AGAINST ('${searchTerm}' IN BOOLEAN MODE)`)
like image 317
hnakao11 Avatar asked Jan 21 '20 21:01


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2 Answers

Here's an alternative using tsvector, where query is the input string.

      const songs = await getManager()
        .from(Models.Song, 'song')
          'to_tsvector(song.title) @@ to_tsquery(:query)',
          { query }

If you wish to include stop words (You, A, etc), and want partial matching.

      const songs = await getManager()
        .from(Models.Song, 'song')
          `to_tsvector('simple',song.title) @@ to_tsquery('simple', :query)`,
          { query: `${query}:*` }

If you also want to allow for multi word strings (with spaces).

      const formattedQuery = query.trim().replace(/ /g, ' & ');
      const songs = await getManager()
        .from(Models.Song, 'song')
          `to_tsvector('simple',song.title) @@ to_tsquery('simple', :query)`,
          { query: `${formattedQuery}:*` }

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rt_ Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09


For Full-Text Search (FTS), I would recommend you to use PostgreSQL specific functions on the WHERE clause. The LIKE & ILIKE operators are too simple and too slow for a Full-Text Search. I suggest you also watch this video. It really explains clearly and easily on how to implement such a feature with PostgreSQL and at the last minutes, it shows how it implements it with Node.js.

I hope that helps! Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

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georgekrax Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09
