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Postgresql full text search part of words

Is postresql capable of doing a full text search, based on 'half' a word? For example I'm trying to seach for "tree", but I tell postgres to search for "tr".

I can't find such a solution that is capable of doing this.

Currently I'm using

 select * from test, to_tsquery('tree') as q where vectors @@ q ;

But I'd like to do something like this:

 select * from test, to_tsquery('tr%') as q where vectors @@ q ;
like image 402
Grezly Avatar asked Dec 27 '10 16:12


People also ask

Is PostgreSQL good for full text search?

Yes, You Can Keep Full-Text Search in Postgres You can get even deeper and make your Postgres full-text search even more robust, by implementing features such as highlighting results, or writing your own custom dictionaries or functions.

How do I search for text in PostgreSQL database?

The Good Ol' Text Search. You're probably familiar with pattern search, which has been part of the standard SQL since the beginning, and available to every single SQL-powered database: SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name LIKE 'pattern'; That will return the rows where column_name matches the pattern .

What is Tsvector in Postgres?

A tsvector value is a sorted list of distinct lexemes, which are words that have been normalized to merge different variants of the same word (see Chapter 12 for details).

How do I do a full text search?

Go to any cluster and select the “Search” tab to do so. From there, you can click on “Create Search Index” to launch the process. Once the index is created, you can use the $search operator to perform full-text searches.

2 Answers

You can use tsearch prefix matching, see http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/interactive/textsearch-controls.html#TEXTSEARCH-PARSING-QUERIES

postgres=# select to_tsvector('tree') @@ to_tsquery('tr:*');
(1 row)

It will only work for prefix search though, not if you want partial match at any position in the word.

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Magnus Hagander Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09

Magnus Hagander

Sounds like you simply want wildcard matching.

  • One option, as previously mentioned is trigrams. My (very) limited experience with it was that it was too slow on massive tables for my liking (some cases slower than a LIKE). As I said, my experience with trigrams is limited, so I might have just been using it wrong.

  • A second option you could use is the wildspeed module: http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/wiki/wildspeed (you'll have to build & install this tho).

The 2nd option will work for suffix/middle matching as well. Which may or may not be more than you're looking for.

There are a couple of caveats (like size of the index), so read through that page thoroughly.

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catchdave Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09
