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PostgreSQL: Convert UUID into OID

Is there a function in PostgreSQL to convert a UUID (RFC 4122) into a OID (ISO 8824) ?

The value after "2.25." is the straight decimal encoding of the UUID as an integer. It MUST be a direct decimal encoding of the single integer, all 128 bits. It must not be broken up into parts.

For example the function would take UUID "f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6" and return the OID "2.25.329800735698586629295641978511506172918".


  • Creating and using Unique ID - UUID - OID
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malat Avatar asked Feb 16 '21 14:02


People also ask

How do I get OID in PostgreSQL?

To get a table OID, cast to the object identifier type regclass (while connected to the same DB): SELECT 'mytbl'::regclass::oid; This finds the first table (or view, etc.) with the given name along the search_path or raises an exception if not found.

What is OID type in PostgreSQL?

Object identifiers (OIDs) are used internally by PostgreSQL as primary keys for various system tables. Type oid represents an object identifier. There are also several alias types for oid , each named reg something .

Does Postgres support UUID?

The uuid-ossp module provides additional functions that implement other standard algorithms for generating UUIDs. PostgreSQL also provides the usual comparison operators shown in Table 9.1 for UUIDs.

What is UUID-OSSP?

The uuid-ossp module provides functions to generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) using one of several standard algorithms. There are also functions to produce certain special UUID constants. This module is only necessary for special requirements beyond what is available in core PostgreSQL.

1 Answers

Ideally, we would have an unsigned 16-byte integer (uint16) and a registered cast uuid --> uint16 (which may or may not be binary compatible internally, making it super-cheap). None of this is implemented in stock PostgreSQL.

You might look to the (unofficial!) additional module pg_bignum or Evan Caroll's (even more unofficial) fork to accept hex input directly. (Disclaimer: untested.)

These modules are not available on most hosted installations. Here is a poor man's implementation with built-in tools of standard PostgreSQL:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_uuid2oid(_uuid uuid)
  RETURNS text
SELECT '2.25.' ||
       ('x0'      ||       left(hex, 15)     )::bit(64)::int8 * numeric '295147905179352825856' -- 1.
     + ('x0'      || right(left(hex, 30), 15))::bit(64)::int8 * numeric '256'                   -- 2.
     + ('x000000' ||       right(hex,  2)    )::bit(32)::int4                                   -- 3.
FROM   translate(_uuid::text, '-', '') t(hex)
COMMENT ON FUNCTION public.f_uuid2oid(uuid) IS '
Convert UUID (RFC 4122) into a OID (ISO 8824) ?
First, get text representation of UUID without hyphens:  
  translate(_uuid::text, '-', '')`
- take the first 15 hex digits
- prefix with x0
- cast to bit(64)
- cast to int8
- multiply with numeric 295147905179352825856 (= 2^68), which is the same as left-shift the binary representation by 68 bits.
  68 bits because: 1 hex digit represents 4 bit; uuid has 128; 128 - 15*4 = 68; so shift by 68
- take the next 15 hex digits
- prefix with x0
- cast to bit(64)
- cast to int8
- multiply with numeric 256 (= 2^8) shift by the remaining 2 hex digits / 8 bit
- take the remaining, rightmost 2 hex digits
- prefix with x000000
- cast to bit(32)
- cast to int4

Add 1. + 2. + 3., convert to text, prefix "2.25." Voila.
No leading zeros, according to https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3061

More explanation:
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8316164/convert-hex-in-text-representation-to-decimal-number/8335376#8335376
- https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/115271/what-is-the-optimal-data-type-for-an-md5-field/115316#115316


SELECT f_uuid2oid('f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6');

Produces the requested OID 2.25.329800735698586629295641978511506172918

db<>fiddle here

No leading zeros, according to https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3061.
I did not read through all the various standards: http://www.oid-info.com/faq.htm#1

I optimized performance to the best of my knowledge, leveraging the built-in (very fast) binary coercible cast from bit(n) to bigint /integer. To understand what I am doing there, first read:

  • Convert hex in text representation to decimal number
  • What is the optimal data type for an MD5 field?

Postgres integer types are signed. So - to avoid overflowing to negative numbers - we cannot use the full 64 bit (8 byte / 16 hex digits) and we have to convert the 32 hex digits in three junks instead of just two. I arbitrarily slice it up as 15 + 15 + 2 hex digits.

Using left() and right() as that's typically a tiny bit faster than substring().

Also consider the comment to the function.

like image 141
Erwin Brandstetter Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 01:10

Erwin Brandstetter