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PostgreSQL: Auto-increment based on multi-column unique constraint

One of my tables has the following definition:

CREATE TABLE incidents
  id serial NOT NULL,
  report integer NOT NULL,
  year integer NOT NULL,
  month integer NOT NULL,
  number integer NOT NULL, -- Report serial number for this period
  CONSTRAINT UNIQUE (report, year, month, number)

How would you go about incrementing the number column for every report, year, and month independently? I'd like to avoid creating a sequence or table for each (report, year, month) set.

It would be nice if PostgreSQL supported incrementing "on a secondary column in a multiple-column index" like MySQL's MyISAM tables, but I couldn't find a mention of such a feature in the manual.

An obvious solution is to select the current value in the table + 1, but this obviously is not safe for concurrent sessions. Maybe a pre-insert trigger would work, but are they guaranteed to be non-concurrent?

Also note that I'm inserting incidents individually, so I can't use generate_series as suggested elsewhere.

like image 893
l0b0 Avatar asked Jun 16 '11 08:06


People also ask

Can Unique Key be set for auto increment?

A unique key does not supports auto increment value. We cannot change or delete values stored in primary keys. We can change unique key values.

Does PostgreSQL support auto increment?

By simply setting our id column as SERIAL with PRIMARY KEY attached, Postgres will handle all the complicated behind-the-scenes work and automatically increment our id column with a unique, primary key value for every INSERT .

Is Autoincrement a constraint?

MariaDB Enterprise Server supports AUTO_INCREMENT constraints: A column with an AUTO_INCREMENT constraint can act as a table's primary key when a natural primary key is not available. Generated values for auto-increment columns are guaranteed to be unique and monotonically increasing.

How do I make two columns unique in PostgreSQL?

In Postgresql, we can make two-column as unique using the UNIQUE keyword or function. Let's create a table named two_unq. CREATE TABLE emp_data ( id SERIAL, emp_name VARCHAR , email VARCHAR (50), UNIQUE(emp_name,email )); In the above code, we are creating emp_name, email as the unique column using the UNIQUE().

1 Answers

It would be nice if PostgreSQL supported incrementing "on a secondary column in a multiple-column index" like MySQL's MyISAM tables

Yeah, but note that in doing so, MyISAM locks your entire table. Which then makes it safe to find the biggest +1 without worrying about concurrent transactions.

In Postgres, you can do this too, and without locking the whole table. An advisory lock and a trigger will be good enough:

CREATE TYPE animal_grp AS ENUM ('fish','mammal','bird');

CREATE TABLE animals (
    grp animal_grp NOT NULL,
    name varchar NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (grp,id)

    RETURNS trigger AS $$
    _rel_id constant int := 'animals'::regclass::int;
    _grp_id int;
    _grp_id = array_length(enum_range(NULL, NEW.grp), 1);

    -- Obtain an advisory lock on this table/group.
    PERFORM pg_advisory_lock(_rel_id, _grp_id);

    SELECT  COALESCE(MAX(id) + 1, 1)
    INTO    NEW.id
    FROM    animals
    WHERE   grp = NEW.grp;


CREATE TRIGGER animals_id_auto
    BEFORE INSERT ON animals
    FOR EACH ROW WHEN (NEW.id = 0)
    EXECUTE PROCEDURE animals_id_auto();

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION animals_id_auto_unlock()
    RETURNS trigger AS $$
    _rel_id constant int := 'animals'::regclass::int;
    _grp_id int;
    _grp_id = array_length(enum_range(NULL, NEW.grp), 1);

    -- Release the lock.
    PERFORM pg_advisory_unlock(_rel_id, _grp_id);


CREATE TRIGGER animals_id_auto_unlock
    AFTER INSERT ON animals
    EXECUTE PROCEDURE animals_id_auto_unlock();

INSERT INTO animals (grp,name) VALUES

SELECT * FROM animals ORDER BY grp,id;

This yields:

  grp   | id |  name   
 fish   |  1 | lax
 mammal |  1 | dog
 mammal |  2 | cat
 mammal |  3 | whale
 bird   |  1 | penguin
 bird   |  2 | ostrich
(6 rows)

There is one caveat. Advisory locks are held until released or until the session expires. If an error occurs during the transaction, the lock is kept around and you need to release it manually.

SELECT pg_advisory_unlock('animals'::regclass::int, i)
FROM generate_series(1, array_length(enum_range(NULL::animal_grp),1)) i;

In Postgres 9.1, you can discard the unlock trigger, and replace the pg_advisory_lock() call with pg_advisory_xact_lock(). That one is automatically held until and released at the end of the transaction.

On a separate note, I'd stick to using a good old sequence. That will make things faster -- even if it's not as pretty-looking when you look at the data.

Lastly, a unique sequence per (year, month) combo could also be obtained by adding an extra table, whose primary key is a serial, and whose (year, month) value has a unique constraint on it.

like image 124
Denis de Bernardy Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 17:10

Denis de Bernardy