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Postgres Hash Join speed [closed]

I have 3 tables which I wish to join using inner joins in Postgres 9.1, reads, devices, and device_patients. Below is an abbreviated schema for each table.

reads -- ~250,000 rows

    id serial NOT NULL,
    device_id integer NOT NULL,
    value bigint NOT NULL,
    read_datetime timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
    created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
    updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT reads_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id )
  OWNER TO postgres;

CREATE INDEX index_reads_on_device_id
  ON reads
  USING btree
  (device_id );

CREATE INDEX index_reads_on_read_datetime
  ON reads
  USING btree
  (read_datetime );

devices -- ~500 rows

  id serial NOT NULL,
  serial_number character varying(20) NOT NULL,
  created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT devices_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id )
  OWNER TO postgres;

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_devices_on_serial_number
  ON devices
  USING btree
  (serial_number COLLATE pg_catalog."default" );

patient_devices -- ~25,000 rows

CREATE TABLE patient_devices
  id serial NOT NULL,
  patient_id integer NOT NULL,
  device_id integer NOT NULL,
  issuance_datetime timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  unassignment_datetime timestamp without time zone,
  created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT patient_devices_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id )
ALTER TABLE patient_devices
  OWNER TO postgres;

CREATE INDEX index_patient_devices_on_device_id
  ON patient_devices
  USING btree
  (device_id );

CREATE INDEX index_patient_devices_on_issuance_datetime
  ON patient_devices
  USING btree
  (issuance_datetime );

CREATE INDEX index_patient_devices_on_patient_id
  ON patient_devices
  USING btree
  (patient_id );

CREATE INDEX index_patient_devices_on_unassignment_datetime
  ON patient_devices
  USING btree
  (unassignment_datetime );

patients -- ~1,000 rows

  id serial NOT NULL,
  first_name character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  middle_name character varying(50),
  last_name character varying(50) NOT NULL,
  created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT participants_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id )
ALTER TABLE patients
  OWNER TO postgres;

Here is my abbreviated query.

SELECT device_patients.patient_id, serial_number FROM reads
INNER JOIN devices ON devices.id = reads.device_id
INNER JOIN patient_devices ON device_patients.device_id = devices.id
WHERE (reads.read_datetime BETWEEN '2012-01-01 10:30:01.000000' AND '2013-05-18 03:03:42')
AND (read_datetime > issuance_datetime) AND ((unassignment_datetime IS NOT NULL AND read_datetime < unassignment_datetime) OR
(unassignment_datetime IS NULL))
GROUP BY serial_number, patient_devices.patient_id LIMIT 10

Ultimately this will be a small part of a larger query (without the LIMIT, I only added the limit to prove to myself that the long runtime was not due to returning a bunch of rows), however I've done a bunch of experimenting and determined that this is the slow part of the larger query. When I run EXPLAIN ANALYZE on this query I get the following output (also viewable here)

Limit  (cost=156442.31..156442.41 rows=10 width=13) (actual time=2815.435..2815.441 rows=10 loops=1)
  ->  HashAggregate  (cost=156442.31..159114.89 rows=267258 width=13) (actual time=2815.432..2815.437 rows=10 loops=1)
        ->  Hash Join  (cost=1157.78..151455.79 rows=997304 width=13) (actual time=30.930..2739.164 rows=250150 loops=1)
              Hash Cond: (devices.device_id = devices.id)
              Join Filter: ((reads.read_datetime > patient_devices.issuance_datetime) AND (((patient_devices.unassignment_datetime IS NOT NULL) AND (reads.read_datetime < patient_devices.unassignment_datetime)) OR (patient_devices.unassignment_datetime IS NULL)))
              ->  Seq Scan on reads  (cost=0.00..7236.94 rows=255396 width=12) (actual time=0.035..64.433 rows=255450 loops=1)
                    Filter: ((read_datetime >= '2012-01-01 10:30:01'::timestamp without time zone) AND (read_datetime <= '2013-05-18 03:03:42'::timestamp without time zone))
              ->  Hash  (cost=900.78..900.78 rows=20560 width=37) (actual time=30.830..30.830 rows=25015 loops=1)
                    Buckets: 4096  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 1755kB
                    ->  Hash Join  (cost=19.90..900.78 rows=20560 width=37) (actual time=0.776..20.551 rows=25015 loops=1)
                          Hash Cond: (patient_devices.device_id = devices.id)
                          ->  Seq Scan on patient_devices  (cost=0.00..581.93 rows=24893 width=24) (actual time=0.014..7.867 rows=25545 loops=1)
                                Filter: ((unassignment_datetime IS NOT NULL) OR (unassignment_datetime IS NULL))
                          ->  Hash  (cost=13.61..13.61 rows=503 width=13) (actual time=0.737..0.737 rows=503 loops=1)
                                Buckets: 1024  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 24kB
                                ->  Seq Scan on devices  (cost=0.00..13.61 rows=503 width=13) (actual time=0.016..0.466 rows=503 loops=1)
                                      Filter: (entity_id = 2)
Total runtime: 2820.392 ms

My question is how do I speed this up? Right now I'm running this on my Windows machine for testing, but ultimately it will be deployed on Ubuntu, will that make a difference? Any insight into why this takes 2 seconds would be greatly appreciated.


It has been suggested that the LIMIT might be altering the query plan. Here is the same query without the LIMIT. The slow part still appears to be the Hash Join.

Also, here are the relevant tuning parameters. Again I'm only testing this on Windows now, and I don't know what effect this would have on a Linux machine

shared_buffers = 2GB effective_cache_size = 4GB work_mem = 256MB random_page_cost = 2.0

Here are the statistics for the reads table

Statistic   Value
Sequential Scans    130
Sequential Tuples Read  28865850
Index Scans 283630
Index Tuples Fetched    141421907
Tuples Inserted 255450
Tuples Updated  0
Tuples Deleted  0
Tuples HOT Updated  0
Live Tuples 255450
Dead Tuples 0
Heap Blocks Read    20441
Heap Blocks Hit 3493033
Index Blocks Read   8824
Index Blocks Hit    4840210
Toast Blocks Read   
Toast Blocks Hit    
Toast Index Blocks Read 
Toast Index Blocks Hit  
Last Vacuum 2013-05-20 09:23:03.782-07
Last Autovacuum 
Last Analyze    2013-05-20 09:23:03.91-07
Last Autoanalyze    2013-05-17 19:01:44.075-07
Vacuum counter  1
Autovacuum counter  0
Analyze counter 1
Autoanalyze counter 6
Table Size  27 MB
Toast Table Size    none
Indexes Size    34 MB

Here are the statistics for the devices table

Statistic   Value
Sequential Scans    119
Sequential Tuples Read  63336
Index Scans 1053935
Index Tuples Fetched    1053693
Tuples Inserted 609
Tuples Updated  0
Tuples Deleted  0
Tuples HOT Updated  0
Live Tuples 609
Dead Tuples 0
Heap Blocks Read    32
Heap Blocks Hit 1054553
Index Blocks Read   32
Index Blocks Hit    2114305
Toast Blocks Read   
Toast Blocks Hit    
Toast Index Blocks Read 
Toast Index Blocks Hit  
Last Vacuum 
Last Autovacuum 
Last Analyze    
Last Autoanalyze    2013-05-17 19:02:49.692-07
Vacuum counter  0
Autovacuum counter  0
Analyze counter 0
Autoanalyze counter 2
Table Size  48 kB
Toast Table Size    none
Indexes Size    128 kB

Here are the statistics for the patient_devices table

Statistic   Value
Sequential Scans    137
Sequential Tuples Read  3065400
Index Scans 853990
Index Tuples Fetched    46143763
Tuples Inserted 25545
Tuples Updated  24936
Tuples Deleted  0
Tuples HOT Updated  0
Live Tuples 25547
Dead Tuples 929
Heap Blocks Read    1959
Heap Blocks Hit 6099617
Index Blocks Read   1077
Index Blocks Hit    2462681
Toast Blocks Read   
Toast Blocks Hit    
Toast Index Blocks Read 
Toast Index Blocks Hit  
Last Vacuum 
Last Autovacuum 2013-05-17 19:01:44.576-07
Last Analyze    
Last Autoanalyze    2013-05-17 19:01:44.697-07
Vacuum counter  0
Autovacuum counter  6
Analyze counter 0
Autoanalyze counter 6
Table Size  2624 kB
Toast Table Size    none
Indexes Size    5312 kB

Below is the full query that I'm trying to speed up. The smaller query is indeed faster, but I was unable to make my full query faster which is reproduced below. As suggested, I added 4 new indices, UNIQUE(device_id, issuance_datetime), UNIQUE(device_id, issuance_datetime), UNIQUE(patient_id, unassignment_datetime), UNIQUE(patient_id, unassignment_datetime)

, last_name
, MAX(max_read) AS read_datetime
, SUM(value) AS value
, serial_number
    , pa.last_name
    , value
    , first_value(de.serial_number) OVER(PARTITION BY pa.id ORDER BY re.read_datetime DESC) AS serial_number -- I'm not sure if this is a good way to do this, but I don't know of another way
    , re.read_datetime
    , MAX(re.read_datetime) OVER (PARTITION BY pd.id) AS max_read
    FROM reads re
    INNER JOIN devices de ON de.id = re.device_id
    INNER JOIN patient_devices pd ON pd.device_id = de.id
        AND re.read_datetime >= pd.issuance_datetime
        AND re.read_datetime < COALESCE(pd.unassignment_datetime , 'infinity'::timestamp)
    INNER JOIN patients pa ON pa.id = pd.patient_id
    WHERE re.read_datetime BETWEEN '2012-01-01 10:30:01' AND '2013-05-18 03:03:42'
) AS foo WHERE read_datetime = max_read
GROUP BY first_name, last_name, serial_number ORDER BY value desc

Sorry for not posting this earlier, but I thought this query would be too complicated, and was trying to simply the problem, but apparently I still can't figure it out. It seems like it would be a LOT quicker if I could limit the results returned by the nested select using the max_read variable, but according to numerous sources, that isn't allowed in Postgres.

like image 398
Jon Avatar asked May 20 '13 15:05


People also ask

How do I speed up hash join?

Reduce the hash table size to improve performance; either horizontally (less rows) or vertically (less columns). Hash joins cannot perform joins that have range conditions in the join predicates (theta joins).

How speed up PostgreSQL join?

Indexes that help with a merge joinAn index on the sort keys can speed up sorting, so an index on the join keys on both relations can speed up a merge join. However, an explicit sort is often cheaper unless an index only scan can be used.

What is hash join in PostgreSQL?

An implementation of join in which one of the collections of rows to be joined is hashed on the join keys using a separate 'Hash' node. Postgres then iterates over the other collection of rows, for each one looking it up in the hash table to see if there are any rows it should be joined to.

How do you remove hash join in explain plan?

Hash joins are best for joins, if you really want to remove hash join create index on the joining column and it will be index join and performance will be bad. Refer below link for more on hash join .

1 Answers

FYI: sanitised query:

SELECT pd.patient_id
        , de.serial_number
FROM reads re
INNER JOIN devices de ON de.id = re.device_id
INNER JOIN patient_devices pd ON pd.device_id = de.id
        AND re.read_datetime >= pd.issuance_datetime -- changed this from '>' to '>='
        AND (re.read_datetime < pd.unissuance_datetime OR pd.unissuance_datetime IS NULL)
WHERE re.read_datetime BETWEEN '2012-01-01 10:30:01.000000' AND '2013-05-18 03:03:42'
GROUP BY de.serial_number, pd.patient_id 

UPDATE: without the original typos:

SELECT pd.patient_id
        , de.serial_number
FROM reads re
INNER JOIN devices de ON de.id = re.device_id
INNER JOIN patient_devices pd ON pd.device_id = de.id
        AND re.read_datetime >= pd.issuance_datetime
        AND (re.read_datetime < pd.unassignment_datetime OR pd.unassignment_datetime IS NULL)
WHERE re.read_datetime BETWEEN '2012-01-01 10:30:01.000000' AND '2013-05-18 03:03:42'
GROUP BY de.serial_number, pd.patient_id

UPDATE: this is about 6 times as fast here (on synthetic data, and with a slightly altered data model)

-- Modified data model + synthetic data:
( id serial NOT NULL
, serial_number character varying(20) NOT NULL
-- , created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
-- , updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
, CONSTRAINT devices_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id )
, UNIQUE (serial_number)
) ;

  -- ( id serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY -- You don't need this surrogate key
  (  device_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES devices (id)
  ,  value bigint NOT NULL
  ,  read_datetime timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
  -- ,  created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
  -- ,  updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
        , PRIMARY KEY ( device_id, read_datetime)
  ) ;

CREATE TABLE patient_devices
-- ( id serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY -- You don't need this surrogate key
( patient_id integer NOT NULL -- REFERENCES patients (id)
, device_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES devices(id)
, issuance_datetime timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
, unassignment_datetime timestamp without time zone
-- , created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
-- , updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
, PRIMARY KEY (device_id, issuance_datetime)
, UNIQUE (device_id, unassignment_datetime)
) ;

-- CREATE INDEX index_patient_devices_on_issuance_datetime ON patient_devices (device_id, unassignment_datetime );
-- may need some additional indices later

-- devices -- ~500 rows
INSERT INTO devices(serial_number) SELECT 'No_' || gs::text FROM generate_series(1,500) gs;

-- reads -- ~100K rows
INSERT INTO reads(device_id, read_datetime, value)
SELECT  de.id, gs
        , (random()*1000000)::bigint
FROM devices  de
JOIN generate_series('2012-01-01', '2013-05-01' , '1 hour' ::interval) gs
        ON random() < 0.02;

-- patient_devices -- ~25,000 rows
INSERT INTO patient_devices(device_id, issuance_datetime, patient_id)
SELECT DISTINCT ON (re.device_id, read_datetime)
        re.device_id, read_datetime, pa
FROM generate_series(1,100) pa
JOIN reads re
        ON random() < 0.01;

        -- close the open intervals
UPDATE patient_devices dst
SET unassignment_datetime = src.issuance_datetime
FROM patient_devices src
WHERE src.device_id = dst.device_id
AND src.issuance_datetime > dst.issuance_datetime
        FROM patient_devices nx
        WHERE nx.device_id = src.device_id
        AND nx.issuance_datetime > dst.issuance_datetime
        AND nx.issuance_datetime < src.issuance_datetime

VACUUM ANALYZE patient_devices;

SELECT pd.patient_id
        , de.serial_number
        --, COUNT (*) AS zcount
FROM reads re
INNER JOIN devices de ON de.id = re.device_id
INNER JOIN patient_devices pd ON pd.device_id = de.id
        AND re.read_datetime >= pd.issuance_datetime
        AND re.read_datetime < COALESCE(pd.unassignment_datetime , 'infinity'::timestamp)
WHERE re.read_datetime BETWEEN '2012-01-01 10:30:01' AND '2013-05-18 03:03:42'
GROUP BY de.serial_number, pd.patient_id
like image 110
wildplasser Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
