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Postgres excludes NULL in WHERE id != int query


I came up against a strange problem in Postgres yesterday when trying to filter out user ids from a stats table. When we did, for example, user_id != 24, postgres excluded the rows where user_id is NULL as well.

I created the following test code which shows the same results.

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE test1 (     id int DEFAULT NULL );  INSERT INTO test1 (id) VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (2), (4), (6),      (4), (7), (5), (9), (5), (3), (6), (4), (3), (7),      (NULL), (NULL), (NULL), (NULL), (NULL), (NULL), (NULL);       SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test1;  SELECT id, COUNT(*) as count FROM test1 GROUP BY id;  SELECT id, COUNT(*) as count FROM test1 WHERE id != 1 GROUP BY id;  SELECT id, COUNT(*) as count FROM test1 WHERE (id != 1 OR id IS NULL) GROUP BY id; 

The first query just counts all the rows. The second counts the number of each value, including nulls. The third excludes the value 1 and also all the nulls. The fourth is a work around to exclude value 1 and still include the nulls.

For what I'm trying to use this query for, null values should always be included.

Is the work around the only way to do this? Is this expected Postgres behaviour?

like image 596
mouckatron Avatar asked Nov 14 '13 09:11


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<> is the standard SQL operator meaning "not equal". Many databases, including postgresql, supports != as a synonym for <> . They're exactly the same in postgresql.

1 Answers

Your "work around" is the usual way to do it. Everything is behaving as expected.

The reason is simple: nulls are neither equal, nor not equal, to anything. This makes sense when you consider that null means "unknown", and the truth of a comparison to an unknown value is also unknown.

The corollary is that:

  • null = null is not true
  • null = some_value is not true
  • null != some_value is not true

The two special comparisons IS NULL and IS NOT NULL exist to deal with testing if a column is, or is not, null. No other comparisons to null can be true.

like image 99
Bohemian Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 18:09
