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Postgres compare timestamp with long unix timestamp




I have a timestamp attribute in a table on which I want to place a condition in a sql query where the condition value is a unix timestamp (i.e. numeric long value).

[...] table.timestampattr > 6456454654 [...]

How can I do this?

like image 361
Jack Gibson Avatar asked Sep 11 '13 17:09

Jack Gibson

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1 Answers

You can use extract(epoch from ...) to get a Unix timestamp from any of the PostgreSQL time and date types (see Date/Time functions in manual).

So your query fragment could be written:

[...] extract(epoch from table.timestampattr) > 6456454654 [...]

Alternatively, the to_timestamp function performs the opposite conversion, so you could also write:

[...] table.timestampattr > to_timestamp(6456454654) [...]
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IMSoP Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 16:10