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Postgres analogue to CROSS APPLY in SQL Server


I need to migrate SQL queries written for MS SQL Server 2005 to Postgres 9.1.
What is the best way to substitute for CROSS APPLY in this query?

SELECT * FROM V_CitizenVersions          CROSS APPLY             dbo.GetCitizenRecModified(Citizen, LastName, FirstName, MiddleName, BirthYear, BirthMonth, BirthDay, ..... ) -- lots of params 

GetCitizenRecModified() function is a table valued function. I can't place code of this function because it's really enormous, it makes some difficult computations and I can't abandon it.

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user1178399 Avatar asked Jul 13 '12 14:07


People also ask

What is cross apply in PostgreSQL?

SQL JOIN CROSS APPLY & LATERAL JOIN A very interesting type of JOIN is the LATERAL JOIN (new in PostgreSQL 9.3+), which is also known as CROSS APPLY/OUTER APPLY in SQL-Server & Oracle. The basic idea is that a table-valued function (or inline subquery) gets applied for every row you join.

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There are 2 methods you can use to connect Microsoft SQL Server to PostgreSQL: Method 1: Manual MsSQL to PostgreSQL Connection. Method 2: Using Hevo Data to Connect MsSQL to PostgreSQL.

What is the difference between cross apply and cross join?

In simple terms, a join relies on self-sufficient sets of data, i.e. sets should not depend on each other. On the other hand, CROSS APPLY is only based on one predefined set and can be used with another separately created set. A worked example should help with understanding this difference.

2 Answers

In Postgres 9.3 or later use a LATERAL join:

SELECT v.col_a, v.col_b, f.*  -- no parentheses, f is a table alias FROM   v_citizenversions v LEFT   JOIN LATERAL f_citizen_rec_modified(v.col1, v.col2) f ON true WHERE  f.col_c = _col_c; 


  • Record returned from function has columns concatenated

For older versions, there is a very simple way to accomplish what I think you are trying to with a set-returning function (RETURNS TABLE or RETURNS SETOF record OR RETURNS record):

SELECT *, (f_citizen_rec_modified(col1, col2)).* FROM   v_citizenversions v 

The function computes values once for every row of the outer query. If the function returns multiple rows, resulting rows are multiplied accordingly. All parentheses are syntactically required to decompose a row type. The table function could look something like this:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_citizen_rec_modified(_col1 int, _col2 text)   RETURNS TABLE(col_c integer, col_d text)   LANGUAGE sql AS $func$ SELECT s.col_c, s.col_d FROM   some_tbl s WHERE  s.col_a = $1 AND    s.col_b = $2 $func$; 

You need to wrap this in a subquery or CTE if you want to apply a WHERE clause because the columns are not visible on the same level. (And it's better for performance anyway, because you prevent repeated evaluation for every output column of the function):

SELECT col_a, col_b, (f_row).* FROM  (    SELECT col_a, col_b, f_citizen_rec_modified(col1, col2) AS f_row    FROM   v_citizenversions v    ) x WHERE (f_row).col_c = _col_c; 

There are several other ways to do this or something similar. It all depends on what you want exactly.

like image 86
Erwin Brandstetter Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09

Erwin Brandstetter

New in PostgreSQL 9.3:

The LATERAL keyword

left | right | inner JOIN LATERAL


Example usage:

SELECT * FROM T_Contacts   --LEFT JOIN T_MAP_Contacts_Ref_OrganisationalUnit ON MAP_CTCOU_CT_UID = T_Contacts.CT_UID AND MAP_CTCOU_SoftDeleteStatus = 1  --WHERE T_MAP_Contacts_Ref_OrganisationalUnit.MAP_CTCOU_UID IS NULL -- 989   LEFT JOIN LATERAL  (     SELECT           --MAP_CTCOU_UID              MAP_CTCOU_CT_UID            ,MAP_CTCOU_COU_UID           ,MAP_CTCOU_DateFrom          ,MAP_CTCOU_DateTo       FROM T_MAP_Contacts_Ref_OrganisationalUnit     WHERE MAP_CTCOU_SoftDeleteStatus = 1     AND MAP_CTCOU_CT_UID = T_Contacts.CT_UID       /*       AND      (          (__in_DateFrom <= T_MAP_Contacts_Ref_OrganisationalUnit.MAP_KTKOE_DateTo)          AND          (__in_DateTo >= T_MAP_Contacts_Ref_OrganisationalUnit.MAP_KTKOE_DateFrom)      )      */    ORDER BY MAP_CTCOU_DateFrom     LIMIT 1  ) AS FirstOE  
like image 39
Stefan Steiger Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09

Stefan Steiger