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postcode distances using google

I have a two lists of postcodes (in R)...one of children's addresses with their academic score and one of schools...

i would like to be able to get the closest school for each child...so presumably a calculation of distance would been needed between postcodes by converting to long and lat values?

And then I would like to be able to plot on a google map all the children per school...and see if the children who live closer to school get better grades...perhaps ploting schools a different colour to kids, and the kids having a gradient of colour according to their score?

perhaps something using the googleVis package?

so for example...

if we have the data for 3 kids and 2 schools...

student.data <- cbind(post.codes=c("KA12 6QE", "SW1A 0AA", "WC1X 9NT"),score=c(23,58,88))
school.postcodes <- c("SL4 6DW", "SW13 9JT")

(N.B. My actual data is obviously significantly larger than the one given so scalability would be useful...)

what should be done with googleVis or any other package for that matter to be able to complete the above?

like image 368
h.l.m Avatar asked Jan 09 '13 15:01


People also ask

Can I use Google to measure distance?

To measure the distance between two points: On your computer, open Google Maps. Right-click on your starting point. Select Measure distance.

How do you find the distance between two points on Google?

You need to tap an empty space. Swipe up on the location card at the bottom of the screen and tap Measure distance. Move the map around to place the second marker. Tap Add point in the lower-right corner to add another marker.

Can you get postal code from Google Maps?

Open a contact or an organization with a postal address. Beside the postal address, click on the map icon. The postal address will automatically open on Google Maps.

1 Answers

I would start by something like this to get the lat/long

Get lat/long for each post code

school.postcodes <- c("KA12 6QE", "SW1A 0AA", "WC1X 9NT")
ll <- lapply(school.postcodes,
       u <- paste('http://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?sensor=false&address=',str)
       doc <-  xmlTreeParse(u, useInternal=TRUE)
       c(code = str,lat = lat, lng = lng)
# get long/lat for the students
ll.students <- lapply(student.data$post.codes,
               u <- paste('http://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?sensor=false&address=',str)
               doc <-  xmlTreeParse(u, useInternal=TRUE)
               c(code = str,lat = lat, lng = lng)

ll <- do.call(rbind,ll)
ll.students <- do.call(rbind,ll.students)

      code         lat          lng         
[1,] "KA12%206QE" "55.6188429" "-4.6766226"
[2,] "SW1A%200AA" "51.5004864" "-0.1254664"
[3,] "WC1X%209NT" "51.5287992" "-0.1181098"

get the distance matrix

dist.list <- lapply(seq(nrow(ll)),
                      url <- paste("http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/json?origins=",
                                   paste( ll.students[,2],ll.students[,3],sep=',',collapse='|'),
                                   "&sensor=false",sep ='')
                      res <- fromJSON(url)
                        hh <- sapply(res$rows[[1]]$elements,function(dest){
                          c(distance= as.numeric(dest$distance$value),
                                     duration = dest$duration$text)
                      hh <- rbind(hh,destination =  ll.students[,1])

names(dist.list) <- ll[,1]

$`SL4 6DW`
            [,1]              [,2]      [,3]     
distance    "664698"          "36583"   "41967"  
duration    "6 hours 30 mins" "43 mins" "49 mins"
destination "1"               "2"       "3"      

$`SW13 9JT`
            [,1]              [,2]      [,3]     
distance    "682210"          "9476"    "13125"  
duration    "6 hours 39 mins" "22 mins" "27 mins"
destination "1"               "2"       "3"  
like image 73
agstudy Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09
