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Post request via Chai

I am trying to make a request to my node JS server which accepts post/put call. The parameters I am trying to send with post call via chai is not visible on server (req.body.myparam).
I have tried with below post request but ended with not results:-

var host = "http://localhost:3000"; var path = "/myPath";  chai.request(host).post(path).field('myparam' , 'test').end(function(error, response, body) { 


chai.request(host).post(path).send({'myparam' : 'test'}).end(function(error, response, body) { 

Node JS code is given below:-

app.put ('/mypath', function(req, res){                     //Handling post request to create league     createDoc (req, res); })   app.post ('/mypath', function(req, res){                        //Handling post request to create league     createDoc (req, res); })  var createDoc = function (req, res) {     var myparam = req.body.myparam;                                 //league id to create new league     if (!myparam) {         res.status(400).json({error : 'myparam is missing'});         return;     }        }; 

Above code goes to myparam is missing.

Please let me know what is the best way to do the same.
Thanks in Advance.

like image 816
SCJP1.6 PWR Avatar asked Feb 29 '16 10:02


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1 Answers

The way you have written, I assume that you used chai-http package. The .field() function does not work in chai-http. Another user pointed it out here and opened an issue on github.

Here is how you could have written:

.set('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') .send({myparam: 'test'}) 

Here is the full code that successfully passes parameters to the server:


'use strict'; var chai = require('chai'); var chaiHttp = require('chai-http');  chai.use(chaiHttp);  describe('Test group', function() {     var host = "http://" + process.env.IP + ':' + process.env.PORT;     var path = "/myPath";      it('should send parameters to : /path POST', function(done) {         chai             .request(host)             .post(path)             // .field('myparam' , 'test')             .set('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')             .send({myparam: 'test'})             .end(function(error, response, body) {                 if (error) {                     done(error);                 } else {                     done();                 }             });     }); }); 


'use strict'; var bodyParser  = require("body-parser"),     express     = require("express"),     app         = express();  app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true}));  app.put ('/mypath', function(req, res){  //Handling post request to create league     createDoc (req, res); });  app.post ('/mypath', function(req, res){  //Handling post request to create league     createDoc (req, res); });  var createDoc = function (req, res) {     console.log(req.body);     var myparam = req.body.myparam; //league id to create new league     if (!myparam) {         res.status(400).json({error : 'myparam is missing'});         return;     } };  app.listen(process.env.PORT, process.env.IP, function(){     console.log("SERVER IS RUNNING"); });  module.exports = app; 
like image 94
C00bra Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09
