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Post Job Offers through the Facebook API

Does anyone know if it is possible to post job offers through the FB API? I am asking in context of this article https://facebook.com/business/news/take-the-work-out-of-hiring

I searched for something in the FB documentation, but couldn't find anything.

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Harry Mishinev Avatar asked Oct 12 '17 16:10

Harry Mishinev

People also ask

Does Facebook no longer have a job section?

Jobs on Facebook will no longer be available on the Facebook Lite app or Facebook mobile website (m.facebook.com/jobs) for both employers and seekers. The Jobs on Facebook browser will no longer be available. Jobs on Facebook is shutting down outside of the United States and Canada.

Does Facebook post when you apply for a job?

Your application will be sent as a message to the employer and won't appear on your profile. Keep in mind that employers can see the public version of your profile, but you can choose who sees your posts and see what your profile looks like to other people.

What is XML job feed?

XML job feeds are XML files that structure content in terms of specific tags or markups. Companies are using XML job feeds to document the data for a job posting in a sequential manner, ensuring that no vital information is left out.

1 Answers

I have been exploring the same thing, and minus an official FB statement that they do not support this through Graph API or otherwise, I'd safely say that it is not currently possible/supported.

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J.B. Avatar answered Nov 23 '22 21:11
