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Post a "Like" with the Facebook Graph API?



How do you post a "like" with the Facebook Graph API?

like image 499
Christoffer Avatar asked Sep 14 '10 11:09


People also ask

What data can I get from Facebook Graph API?

The Graph API is the primary way to get data into and out of the Facebook platform. It's an HTTP-based API that apps can use to programmatically query data, post new stories, manage ads, upload photos, and perform a wide variety of other tasks.

Is Facebook Graph API deprecated?

Applies to all versions. Facebook Analytics will no longer be available after June 30, 2021. Additionally, we are deprecating the App Dashboard Plugin for Marketing API. For more information visit the Business Help Center.

Is Facebook Graph API RESTful?

Because the Facebook Graph API is a restful JSON API, you can run queries directly in any standard browser; you'd simply be making HTTP calls.

1 Answers

With the Graph API itself, you can't.

The Graph API can Like some objects (posts, pictures, etc), but not top-level items like Pages and URLs; the only way for those items to be liked is via the Like button or Facebook's own interfaces.

like image 66
Peter Bailey Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 20:10

Peter Bailey