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Possible to pass Printf.TextWriterFormat to MailBoxProcessor?



I am building a parallel unit test runner using MailBoxProcessor.

I need to queue up print statements for a test, so I can print them once a test is finished. I know how to send a string and build up a list so I can print them, but that forces me to use sprintf and pipe it into my print function and is not as clean as I would like.

|> List.iter (fun i ->
  sprintf "Test %i" i &&& fun ctx ->
    ctx.printfn <| sprintf "A guid %A" (ng())
    ctx.printfn <| sprintf "I am test %i" i
    ctx.printfn <| sprintf "A guid %A" (ng()))

You can see the full code here: https://github.com/lefthandedgoat/prunner/blob/master/Program.fs#L36-L41

And see that ctx is an object with a printfn method that takes a string and posts it to a single mailbox that queues up messages until a tests is done, then loops over them and prints them.

My goal is to have the ctx.printfn look like this

|> List.iter (fun i ->
  sprintf "Test %i" i &&& fun ctx ->
    ctx.printfn "A guid %A" (ng())
    ctx.printfn "I am test %i" i
    ctx.printfn "A guid %A" (ng()))
like image 548
lefthandedgoat Avatar asked Feb 19 '16 21:02


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1 Answers

Your question isn't entirely clear, but you may be able to achieve your goal via kprintf:

member x.printfn fmtStr = 
    Printf.kprintf (fun msg -> reporter.Post(Print(msg, x.TestId))) fmtStr
like image 52
kvb Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11
