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Possible to loop over each in coffeescript?

I'm trying to programmatically create some javascript buttons to toggle visibility on the page (for snappy tag filtering). This works for one tag:

trigger = ".sales-focus-btn"
target = ".sales-focus"

jQuery ->   
  $(trigger).toggle ->
  , ->

Is it possible to do something similar in coffeescript, but with arrays, e.g.

trigger = [
target = [

Is it possible to loop over and create a toggle for each type of tag?


Yes it's possible. Use the form:

myFunction = (el) -> console.log el
myFunction elem for elem in array
like image 740
Tyler Avatar asked Jul 07 '12 01:07


1 Answers

Of course it's possible:

content = $('#primary-content')
container = content.find('.container')

tags = [

$.each tags, (tag) ->
    target = content.find(tag)
    $(tag + "-btn").toggle ->
    , ->

Remember to cache your DOM elements. Alternatively use for tag in tags instead of jQuery.each tags, (tag) -> ...:

for tag in tags
    do ->
      target = content.find(tag)
      $(tag + "-btn").toggle ->
      , ->

(the do -> IIFE is necessary to keep each target in scope, as @epidemian pointed out)

like image 159
Ricardo Tomasi Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 00:11

Ricardo Tomasi